IICF Charitable Involvement & Leadership Blog

Northeast Strong: IICF Benefit Event Topples Attendance Record

The seventh annual benefit dinner sponsored by the Insurance Industry Charitable Foundation Northeast division drew record attendance of more than 1,000 attendees to the Waldorf-Astoria in New York City on Dec. 11, 2013. At the event, the organization announced 16 …

Robin Roberts, John McEnroe & Bob Woodruff Featured Speakers for IICF Northeast Event

December 11 Dinner Benefits Charities NEW YORK (November 4, 2013) — The Insurance Industry Charitable Foundation (IICF) Northeast division announced that the three featured speakers who will be accepting grants for charities at its fundraising dinner on Wednesday Dec. 11, …

40 Years On, Mount Kisco Child Care Center Serves Working Families

Fragile. At risk. Low income. Recent immigrant. These terms describe some of the families whose children attend Mount Kisco Child Care Center in the northern suburbs of New York City. But another term that describes these families is: Working. It’s …

Insurance Volunteers: Spot Opportunities With Week of Giving ‘Project Finder’

Many people in the insurance industry want to help in their communities by serving as volunteers in their communities. But many simply don’t know how to find the right place to volunteer. Problem solved. IICF (the Insurance Industry Charitable Foundation) …

IICF Grantee Eden Autism Uses 1-to-1 Teaching & Therapy to Change Lives

Eden Autism Services’ modern school and clinic sits in the midst of retail, research, office buildings and farmland in suburban New Jersey, a short drive from nearby neighborhoods and schools. It’s central in the community – much as the nonprofit …

1-to-1:Insurance Volunteerism Effort Puts People Together

It takes just one person to make a difference for another person. While teams of dozens of employees at insurance firms are prepping for IICF Week of Giving 2012, so too are “teams” of just one individual. While the industry’s …

IICF Week of Giving Carries On Volunteerism, Adds ‘Text to Give’

The property/casualty sector of the insurance industry gave an estimated $500 million in charitable funding in 2010, according to a 2011 study by McKinsey & Company. The research report noted: “Most of this giving was in the form of direct …

Voice of Experience: Lessons from Corporate Volunteering Efforts

It’s just a couple weeks away: Volunteer Week 2011 is on track to be a record-setting event in the insurance industry. Teams from more than 100 companies have already signed up to participate during the week of Oct. 15-22, in …

“Do’s and Don’ts” for Starting Up A Corporate Volunteer Effort

Thousands of insurance workers will be turning out for Volunteer Week (coming up October 15-22), sponsored by the Insurance Industry Charitable Foundation. Even small businesses such as independent agencies are turning out for Volunteer Week. All insurance employers are welcome …

Volunteer Week: It’s the Industry’s “Get Out and Do” Event

“Let’s do something together.” Usually it’s coffee or lunch – but during Volunteer Week, hundreds of insurance folks will be doing more than that. They’ll be working side-by-side as volunteers in their local communities during Volunteer Week next month. Organized …

IICF Charitable Involvement & Leadership Blog Archives by Month