Use to Maximize ROI

By Chris Thompson | September 18, 2012

If you are a single, working professional, with no hobbies, feel free to stop reading now. If your time is limited and you want to get the most for your “money”, then buckle up, because this information is for you.

We’ve all heard the term “time is money.” Whether you’re a business owner or an employee, the time you spend working translates directly to business costs.

Does your business have a profile? How about a Google+ page?

I’m willing to bet the majority of businesses don’t use anything other than Facebook and Twitter, not because they dislike the other networks, but simply because time is limited so focus is placed on most popular options. It’s easy to tell which social media sites are popular. Facebook and Twitter are mentioned hundreds of times a day on TV, radio and the web. You almost never hear about anymore and occasionally hear about Google+.

The same concept applies to advertising your insurance products. Placing your product listings on as many sites as possible is the optimal solution. However, if your time is limited or you want to focus on a single insurance market listing website, let me help you figure out which website to focus on.

Use Free 3rd Party Tools

Websites like and provide free traffic analysis of most websites. These are 3rd party websites that can give you a decent view in to the amount of traffic a website gets. These tools combine data from many sources to provide an estimate of website visitors. I recommend that you use a combination of sources to determine which sites deserve your time.

GraphBuzz allows you to compare multiple websites on a single graph. Here is compared to a few competitor websites:

Put Google to Work

Search for one of your markets or a term you are interested in. Review the results and see if any of the websites you are considering investing time on appear. It will quickly become apparent which insurance market websites dominate search results.

The Challenge

I’m clearly not a sales person, however, I have a sales pitch for you. It’s very short, so stick with me. I challenge you to find your insurance market listing listed on one of’s competitors’ websites that ranks higher on Google search results than the same listing on

If you find this, post below in the comments or email me. A new service being announced on in the next few days is “Personalized Search Engine Optimization of Listings.” This service is only provided to Gold and Platinum members. However, if you were able to find one of’s competitors outranking it in Google Search results, I will personally optimize your listing on for free.

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