The Key(words) to Unlock Your Broken Heart

By | August 6, 2013

Howdy ya’ll! Now, I don’t want to sound like a broken record when I remind you of how important Search Engine Optimization is or about the incredible, perfectly timed blog insisting that you were crazy if you didn’t Tag-up right away to be a super stud in your marketing efforts. I won’t do that to you because I know you’ve already gotten those ideas locked in and you’re feeling pretty solid on the superhero front.

So let’s just cut to the chase and talk about what’s motivating me to motivate you this week: Top of Search Keywords. These things are so cool! And, it’s one of the easiest things to do in your marketing scheme to make sure your business is seen in all of the right areas by all of the right people.

By now your company and products should already be on (If you’re not, and you would like help doing so, please email me and I’ll gladly help you get started.) Thousands of agents are coming to our site and reading our newsletter to get help finding new markets or niche products. You’ve probably already received a ton of hits just by being on the site; however, if you want to absolutely dominate the competition, the best way is to purchase the top, most searched keywords.

When one of these top words is purchased for any span of time, that company alone will own the search term until their campaign has ended. Not one other company can be seen in the top spot. It dominates the page, not only by being the first thing to see, but also by being highlighted. It even links to your own website or any page within your site. It includes space for about 30 words as well as your logo.

With an average of over a THOUSAND searches each month, Workers Comp is the most sought after keyword to snag up if you want to get an agent’s attention. Check out the rest of our Top 100 Searched Keywords to see if any of these terms are something you’d want to be the super star of at the top of the page.

Bottom line – we’ve been at this long enough to know that the top of the page position really works to help any company shoot to super hero status. If you’d like to scoop up one of our top 100 keywords or have any questions about them, feel free to hit me up. I can even let you in on a little secret of which are taken and which are up for grabs so that you can start receiving top notch visibility today!

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