Insurance Journal Ad & Marketing

YouTube: More Than Stupid Cats and Cute Baby Videos

I’m sure you’ve seen a YouTube video. Most likely it’s one that’s gone viral, such as Charlie Bit My Finger, Kittens Inspired by Kittens, or David After Dentist. Thanks to these videos, I’ve become a YouTube junkie. Not just because …

Case Study: Campaign Consistency Contributes to Ad Recall

What do the most-remembered print ads have in common? Catchy headlines are cool, but that’s not it. Flashy colors are fun, but that’s not it either. The key to ad recall is frequency and continuity. Ads are more memorable when …

3 Scary Things About Insurance Marketing

IJAM welcomes guest blogger Charles Wasilewski, vice president of marketing communications for Aartrijk branding firm. It’s October, and I’m a bit nervous about hurricane season – and Halloween. After all, for the past two scary holidays my home was literally …

In-House Advertising Superheroes!

In this IJAM podcast, IJ’s Julie Tinney talks with Becky Schroeder, Marketing Director for Insurance Technologies Corporation, about the evolution of an extremely successful in-house advertising campaign featuring some adorable superheroes. Find out what inspired it, the mediums used to …

Summer Vacation Is Over, So Let’s Talk Camp

IJAM welcomes guest blogger Peter van Aartrijk, CEO of Aartrijk branding firm. At this time of year, maybe you recall the fun you had at those summer camps. Okay, the mosquitoes in the tent and the Hamburger Helper in the …

A Non-traditional Approach in a Traditional Industry

IJAM welcomes guest blogger Theresa Schugel, EVP – Business Development, BMS Group. BMS has a fun branding campaign happening right now that is centered around some key conferences including NAMIC. We thought you marketers might like to check out some …

A Blog on Blogging

To do a little research into the history of blogging, I just did a Google search and found 13,000,000,000 results for a word that didn’t even exist until the late ’90s. (It’s a shortened word for web log – in …

A Millennial Without a Smartphone

For almost 3 weeks, I was without an iPhone. And I survived! My iPhone had such an excellent time vacationing in Mexico that it decided to stay there. Without insurance or upgrade eligibility, my options were slim. It was a …

The Key(words) to Unlock Your Broken Heart

Howdy ya’ll! Now, I don’t want to sound like a broken record when I remind you of how important Search Engine Optimization is or about the incredible, perfectly timed blog insisting that you were crazy if you didn’t Tag-up right …

Walking the Fine Line of Sponsored Content

The world seems increasingly cluttered with noise and visual stimulation as marketers vie for your attention. Take a walk through Times Square if you want evidence of this fact. One is accosted by at least a dozen people shoving flyers …

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