Insurance Journal Ad & Marketing

Mobile Phone Habits Are Changing. Is Your Company Ready?

This past Cyber Monday was the biggest one-day online sales day in history according to a study by IBM. Sales were up 30% over last year with spending reaching as high as $2 billion. One big reason for the upswing …

Blurry Logos Look Bad! Here’s How to Keep ’em Crisp in Print

A catchy headline, a compelling message, and a clear call to action are all vital components of an effective print ad. However, it’s equally important that your print ad is visually appealing. A blurry logo looks very unprofessional! Here’s what …

Choosing the Right Site for Your Banner Ad

I was recently talking with a regional wholesaler regarding her 2013 marketing plans. When we got to the topic of internet marketing and more specifically website banner ads, she told me they had tried it and it did not work …

Use to Maximize ROI

If you are a single, working professional, with no hobbies, feel free to stop reading now. If your time is limited and you want to get the most for your “money”, then buckle up, because this information is for you. …

Where to Spend Your Marketing Dollars?

With the calendar year winding down and most agencies approaching budget season for the 2013 year, the question upon many is “Where do spend our marketing dollars?” If this was 2002 and we were still profiting on the “hard” market, …

The Most Important Thing You Do for Your Marketing Efforts in the Next 3 Months is changing the way agents find products listed by markets on the site. We’re making the move over to tags instead of having companies choose specific categories. If you’ve not yet listed your products as an MGA, wholesale broker …

Investing In Your Agents

Merriam-Webster defines marketing as an “aggregate of functions involved in moving goods from producer to consumer.” What if there was a way for you to truly help this process along while building a stronger relationship with your agents… Have you …

How to Stand Out at Trade Shows

Trade shows and conventions are a great way to increase brand awareness and make new connections. However, all the other companies (including your competitors) are set up right next to you, battling for brand awareness and competing for contacts. Want …

So Many Social Media Sites, So Little Time

Congratulations. You’ve set up your company’s Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter accounts. Now you just have to log into each one, post updates, start discussions, tweet, read comments, check analytics to see how effective they are, and work. Oh right – …

SHAZAM! Exploring Outside-the-Box Mobile Advertising Options

Many predict that mobile phones will outrun the world population in 2012, causing top marketers to brainstorm on how they can be part of the mobile revolution. A Google survey shows that, compared to desktop-based advertising (online), mobile can deliver …

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