Pat Alexander’s Chronicles

Training Part II – Small Agencies in Small Towns

In my previous post Training Part I – Small Agencies in Small Towns I promised that we would discuss meeting and greeting prospects and customers in your office. While we all functionally know how to meet and greet people everyone’s …

Training Part I – Small Agencies in Small Towns

One of the concerns expressed to me in the comments to one of my previous blogs is how do I make sure new staff takes care of my customers the way I want them to? Most small agencies are owned …

Outsourcing – Small Agencies in Small Towns

This week’s post continues to discuss solutions for managing the work in small agencies in small towns. A number of the solutions that I have been and will be discussing work for small agencies anywhere and some of this apply …

Data Concerns – Small Agencies in Small Towns

For the past two weeks I have been discussing challenges faced by small agencies in small towns. This week I want to begin the discussion about various solutions I have seen these agencies us that have aided them in achieving …

Solutions Agency Culture Issues – Small Agencies In Small Towns

In my previous post “Insights Into Agency Cultures – Small Agencies in Small Town” I discussed some of the cultural challenges these firms face. Some owners of these firms recognize that they have issues. Some choose to ignore the issues …

Insights Into Agency Cultures – Small Agencies In Small Towns

In my August 4 post “How Does Agency Culture Affect Best Practices?“ I discussed some issues that can exist in an agency’s culture. Before we can explore what your agency culture should look like, we need to look as some …

How Does Agency Culture Affect Best Practices?

An important first consideration is the potential effect of agency cultures and procedures on the definition and implementation and use of systems in defining Best Practices. What should be alike and what can be different between departments and locations? What …

Welcome to Pat Alexander’s Chronicles

Welcome to the first post for Pat Alexander’s Chronicles. I am a consultant that spends much of my time working with insurance agencies in defining their workflows and maximizing the use of their technology systems. My plan for this blog …

Pat Alexander’s Chronicles Archives by Month