Research & Trends: The Lowdown

The Lowdown: Loneliness in the (Remote) Workplace

In the April 2020 article “Dealing With Social Isolation,” the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) states, “Leaders have a responsibility to help mitigate workplace isolation. They need to prioritize social connections in these unprecedented times of social distancing and …

Insurtech Demo Day 2020

Just a week shy of our Virtual Insurtech Summit, to air Wednesday, May 6th, I attended the virtual Demo Day of the Hartford Insurtech Hub on Tuesday, April 28th. As the host for our upcoming Summit, I’ve spent time with …

Coronavirus Resource Update 4/9/20

Stay Informed We’ve added a new, uplifting category to this blog – From Our Family to Yours. Below the news and resources, you’ll find a growing list of interesting and educational links that our Wells Media family is sharing with …

The Lowdown: Restoration Services – How Important Are You To Your Local Vendor?

According to Cleanfax’s 2019 Restoration Benchmarking Survey Report, restoration professionals rely upon adjusters and insurance relationships for 80% of their leads. When asked how vendors differentiate themselves from their competition, 73% report that their reputation and experience is the most …

The Lowdown: Innovation, Social Inflation, Hot Markets and More…

I recently had the benefit of attending the Society for Insurance Research 49th annual conference, where I was immersed in discussions about data, research, artificial intelligence, machine learning and more. This intimate conference included 200 attendees from 48 carriers and …

The Lowdown: What Heat Can Show Us

According to the U.S. Fire Administration, over 22% of non-residential fires are caused by electrical malfunction, heating or other equipment malfunctions. There are a number of reasons for this, including deferred maintenance, poor installation, unintended overload, corrosion and age. As …

The Lowdown: Cannabis 101 in 300 Minutes or Less

On October 17th, the Insurance Journal hosted a virtual, 6 hour, live summit on insuring the cannabis industry. With 2,300 pre-registrants, an additional 200 joined in as the day progressed. These viewers represented over 1,230 companies, 41 countries and 50 …

The Lowdown: Reimagining Research to Recognize Emerging Insurance Industry Trends

The Society of Insurance Research (SIR) will hold their 49th Annual Conference on October 20th – 22nd at the Sheraton Charlotte Hotel in Charlotte, NC and I am thrilled to be attending. The theme for this year’s event is “Reimagining …

The Lowdown: Employer Risk in California and Beyond

Newly released this week on Research & Trends, “Risky Business – Employment Practice Litigation on the Rise” offers insights into the many predicaments your business prospects and clients could find themselves in as employers in an increasingly litigious environment. As …

The Lowdown: 2019 Private Flood Insurance Report

The big day is coming! I suspect by now, you’ve heard a great deal about the implementation of provisions of the Biggert-Waters Flood Insurance Reform Act of 2012, requiring regulated institutions to accept certain private flood insurance policies in addition …

Research & Trends: The Lowdown Archives by Month