Right Street

What the Wall Street Journal Gets Wrong about Farming in 2017

With the Farm Bill up for reauthorization in 2018 and legislative debate poised to heat up later this year, there’s been a lot of talk about the plight of the American farmer. A recent Wall Street Journal piece proclaimed that …

A Cyber Mandate Isn’t the Way to Address Cyber-Insurance Takeup

To improve cyber preparedness and help companies recover from cyberattacks, it’s essential that the takeup rate for cyber insurance continues to rise. The insurance capacity plainly exists to write virtually all of the risks for which the market currently seeks …

How the Federal Government Could Lead by Example in Cyber Insurance

The takeup rate of cyber insurance is rising, but the market’s growth to date has been uneven. Anne Hobson, a technology policy fellow at the R Street Institute, may have a solution to that problem. She proposes that the federal …

California High Court Gives Insurance Commissioner Vast New Powers

President Donald Trump’s spate of executive orders has jump-started a national debate about the wisdom of executive edicts, especially those that stray into the area of lawmaking. While presidential orders grab the spotlight, the issues of administrative overreach and how …

Tax Reformers Must Take Care Not to Kill Reinsurance Market

During the 2016 presidential election, one theme from President-elect Donald Trump rang louder than any other: the importance of keeping jobs in America and finding ways to encourage (or perhaps force) companies that have sent jobs overseas to bring them …

Court Smacks Down California Regulators Over Broker/Agent Ruling

An Orange County, California court has given the state’s Department of Insurance a stunning smack down in a long-running case about the “broker fees” charged by some insurance agents. The complicated case offers insight into the bureaucratic world of insurance …

NAIC San Diego: Self-Driving Cars and Regulatory Renewal

Insurance regulators are a diverse bunch. Some are elected, while others are appointed. Some are Republicans, while others are Democrats. At the triennial meeting of the National Association Insurance Commissioners in San Diego, regulators were united in their interest and …

Is TWIA’s Progress to Rate Adequacy over?

It’s no secret that the Texas Windstorm Insurance Association (TWIA) has a funding problem. Rates for coastal windstorm insurance offered by the state-created agency long have been well below the actuarially sound levels necessary for TWIA to meet its financial …

California Coal-Divestment Push Mostly about Politics

California voters in 1988 dramatically expanded the power of the state Department of Insurance and turned the insurance commissioner post into an elected position. The Proposition 103 initiative also gave the commissioner unprecedented authority to prescribe which specific factors private …

New York Homebuyers Are Overpaying on Title Insurance

Homebuyers in New York State overpaid on the cost of their title insurance to the tune of $155.3 million last year, according to a new report from OneTitle National Guaranty Co. Based on public records for 182,487 real estate transactions …

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