Right Street

Hawaii Considers Bill to Regulate Ride-Sharing…in 2112

No two states are the same. What passes for polite in New England may be considered downright abrasive in the Pacific Northwest. What a Californian finds politically correct, a midwesterner might find utterly confusing. It is no surprise, then, that …

CEA Says It’s Seen No Fracking-Related Earthquake Claims

The California Earthquake Authority, the state-run insurance pool that is the primary source of residential earthquake coverage in the Golden State, says it hasn’t received any claims that assert human-caused activity like hydraulic fracturing or deep-well injection were the cause. …

Top 5 Findings on the Environmental Harms of Crop Insurance Subsidies

We at R Street do a lot of warning that our nation’s misguided crop insurance supports, in combination with the disastrous Renewable Fuel Standard, are distorting land and food markets, wreaking environmental havoc and adding billions to the taxpayer’s tab. …

The West Not Yet Fully Won for Ridesharing

On the heels of last week’s cross-industry compromise on insurance requirements for ride-sharing drivers, and with some legislative sessions drawing to a close, it’s a good time to take a look at where ridesharing insurance regulation stands in the West. …

It’s Time for Open Data in Insurance

The National Association of Police Organizations is a non-profit group that represents and serves police officers, police unions and local police associations. The National Association of Insurance Commissioners is a non-profit group that represents and serves insurance regulators from the …

NAIC Rises Above ‘No Action Is Contemplated’ on Ride-Sharing

Regular attendees of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners’ thrice-yearly meetings are known to joke that NAIC actually stands for “No Action Is Contemplated.” At the group’s latest meeting in Phoenix, the Sharing Economy Working Group rendered the basis of …

Tempest Brewing Around California Uninsured Motorist Coverage

A tempest is brewing around California’s otherwise functional system of uninsured and underinsured automobile insurance. At an informational hearing held in the great Shakespearian tradition of dialogue capped by monologue, California state senators were treated to three hours of testimony …

Florida Cat Fund Cleared to Buy $2.2B of Reinsurance

In what counts as excellent news both for Florida taxpayers and the private insurance market, Gov. Rick Scott and the State Board of Administration have approved a request from the Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund to explore transferring up to $2.2 …

Prop 103’s Authors Argue for Changing Prop 103

Scottish poets from the 18th Century are rarely credited for their insights into California politics. Yet the architects of Proposition103, California’s 25-year-old attempt to rigidly control prices in the state’s insurance market, would have done well to heed the insight …

Major Insurers to Strike Deal to Support Compromise TNC Language

For much of the past year, we at R Street have been active in trying to promote reasonable, effective compromise on ride-sharing regulations. The goal all along has been to arrive at a model that allows transportation network companies like …

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