Right Street

McCarty Deserves Some Credit for Stabilizing Florida Market

Testifying this week before the Florida House Insurance and Banking Subcommittee, Office of Insurance Regulation Deputy Chief of Staff Monte Stevens echoed much of what has been reported in recent months about Florida’s property insurance market: it has largely stabilized …

You Say ‘Po-Tay-Toh,’ I Say Massive Spud Fraud

A pair of Cooperstown, N.D. brothers have been convicted in a $2 million scheme to defraud the federal crop insurance program with false claims of loss on their potato harvest. In convicting the brothers, Aaron and Derek Johnson, jurors relied …

What if They Threw a Market Panic and Nobody Came?

The news last week that Congress would adjourn without extending the $100 billion federal backstop offered by the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act was greeted with howls of shock and dismay from the affected industries The Property Casualty Insurers Association of …

Big SIFI News: MetLife is Designated, Obama Signs Insurance Capital Standards Bill

This week brought big news on two fronts in the world of allegedly “too big to fail” insurers. By a nine to one vote, with former Kentucky Insurance Commissioner Roy Woodall as the lone dissenter, the Financial Stability Oversight Council …

Two Steps Forward, One Step Back

When news broke that the Utah Department of Insurance found that popular new benefits company Zenefits was not in compliance with state insurance law, and would have to alter its operation or cease transacting business, there was an outcry from …

The CEA Considers a Tax by Any Other Name

The California Earthquake Authority has a heady legislative agenda on-tap for 2015, and Californians without earthquake insurance coverage could be made to foot the bill. The CEA’s CEO, Glenn Pomeroy, on Wednesday presented two proposals, one laudatory and one lamentable, …

Did Tom Coburn Just Cancel the Super Bowl?

No, is the short answer. The longer answer is more complicated. As has now been widely reported, it appears the U.S. Senate will not, after all, pass legislation extending the federal Terrorism Risk Insurance Act before the program’s scheduled expiration …

Fannie and Freddie: Proving That Insanity is Good for Business

Insanity is doing the same thing again and again and expecting a different result. Even a casual observer of the U.S. economy since its collapse in 2008 is likely familiar with the terms “toxic debt” and “default risk.” As it …

San Antonio Goes Too Far with Ridesharing Insurance Requirements

San Antonio, Texas appears to be on the verge of implementing one of America’s worst laws to regulate transportation network companies like Uber and Lyft. The current San Antonio bill—which has dozens of problems my colleague Josiah Nealey describes in …

Utah Takes a Rare Insurance Misstep

An administrative agency has again found itself at odds with free-market innovation. In this case, Utah’s Department of Insurance has demanded that a popular new web based human resources platform named Zenefits (which we use here at R Street) cease …

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