Right Street

Self-driving Cars Could Require Overhaul of Insurance Regulation

What is an autonomous vehicle? As demonstrated in a Sept. 15 California Department of Insurance informational hearing, that’s a misleadingly simple question. Regulators’ attempt to stay in front of the curve, by delving into how autonomous vehicles will interact with …

Detroit Takes Another Title: Highest Car Insurance in America

The Detroit-Warren-Ann Arbor metropolitan area has higher auto insurance rates than any other top 25 metro area in the United States. It wasn’t even close, according to the financial information provider (Bankrate Insurance) quoted in USA Today. With average rates …

California State Funds Continue to Shake Up Cat Bond Market

California’s recent “Winequake” brought the public’s focus back to the state’s significant vulnerability to seismic events. Fortunately, the tremors, while costly, did not tally a high human score. For every image of a cracked street or a toppled building, there …

Can Prop 103 Handle Driverless Cars?

Earlier this year, Google announced the introduction of a completely driverless car. On this blog, Eli Lehrer took time to discuss the insurance implications of such a development. Among other things, he posited that, as drivers become less involved in …

Lessons from Napa’s ‘Winequake’

In the early hours Sunday morning, Northern California shook with the largest earthquake it has experienced since 1989. The South Napa Earthquake, as it is being referred to by the U.S. Geological Survey, was a magnitude 6.0 event that was …

For Insurers, California’s ‘Diverse Procurement’ is Well-Meaning and Wrong

Under Section 927.2 of the California Insurance Code, insurers writing $100 million or more in annual premiums in the state are required to submit reports to the Department of Insurance on what efforts they’ve made to procure business from firms …

Fla Citizens’ Business Travel Saves Florida Money

A recent article by the Palm Beach Post blasting Citizens Property Insurance Corp. executives for traveling overseas casts a negative image onto the state-owned and operated insurer. However, what the article fails to establish is that such travels are a …

A Decade After Charley, Florida’s Still Paying the Bill

Tomorrow, Aug. 9, marks the ten-year anniversary of the formation of Hurricane Charley. The third named storm of the 2004 hurricane season, Charley did $13 billion of damage, nearly all of it in Florida. But the bad news for the …

California’s Incomplete Prescription for Reducing Climate Risk

The California Natural Resources Agency has just released its Final Safeguarding California Plan for Reducing Climate Risk. The roughly 350-page plan is designed to provide policymakers with recommendations about how best to craft an “integrated strategy” to address climate change. …

Portable Persistency and the Prop 103 Roadblock

The emerging need to develop new insurance products to cover California’s Transportation Network Company operators has spurred a reexamination of the nature of Proposition 103’s quasi-constitutional status. In the name of populism, 1988’s Prop. 103 inserted unwieldy, naïve and vague …

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