Right Street

AIF Map Confirms Citizens Not the Leading Writer in Most Florida Districts

The debate over how to reform Florida’s Citizens Property Insurance Corp. has been a years-long and arduous political battle. Despite its original mission to act as Florida’s insurer-of-last-resort, Citizens became former Gov. Charlie Crist’s instrument of populist politics du jour, …

Breaking Up North Carolina’s Auto Insurance Cartel

Legislation to break up North Carolina’s rate bureau cartel and bring the state’s auto insurance market into the 21st Century has now been introduced in both houses of the General Assembly. This past week, Rep. Jeff Collins, R-Nash, introduced H.B. …

Texas Bills Look to Address Mitigation, Wind Pool

This week, two important pieces of legislation began moving through the Texas Legislature. H.B. 1890 was filed by Rep. Phil Stephenson, R-Wharton, and S.B. 784 by Sen. Juan Hinojosa, R-Corpus Christi, was referred to the Senate Finance Committee. H.B. 1890 …

More Good News/Bad News for Florida Insurance Market

Floridians would face about $7.19 billion in post-hurricane taxes to make up the funding shortfalls of state-run Citizens Property Insurance Corp. and the Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund should even a 1-in-50-year storm hit the state – a tally that could …

Good News Now, Question Marks Later, for Fla. Citizens

Coming on the heels of a major deal that transferred 31,000 coastal policies and $30 billion in gross exposure to private start-up Weston Insurance Co., Florida’s state-run Citizens Property Insurance Corp. is moving to shift even more risk to the …

Michigan’s Unlimited Auto Insurance, Revisited

Most of the attempts to fix Michigan’s long-time Essential Insurance Act have ended as spectacularly as the meteor which exploded over the Ural Mountains town of Chelyabinsk a few days ago, injuring over a thousand stunned residents of central Russia. …

Ghost of Charlie Crist Haunts Insurance Reform

It has been more than two years since the adults regained control of Florida, yet the specter of the Charlie Crist days of demagoguery, populism-at-any-cost and overall political buffoonery looms heavy over the state Capitol. The idea that Charlie Crist …

Chamber Poll Suggests Floridians Want Their State Out of the Insurance Business

Floridians believe their state should stay out of the insurance business, rather than supporting a state-run insurance company, according to a recent poll sponsored by the Florida Chamber of Commerce. The result comes from an issues analysis poll prepared for …

Federal Bailout of Florida Is Far From a Sure Thing

As Florida’s 2013 legislative session draws near, state lawmakers once again are preparing to examine reforms to the Sunshine State’s property insurance system. Most notable, of course, are proposals to shrink the state-run Citizens Property Insurance Corp. and/or the Florida …

Right Street: A Plan for New York to Prepare for Catastrophes

New York State’s NYS 2100 Commission, created by Gov. Andrew Cuomo in the wake of Hurricane Sandy to offer recommendations on ways to better prepare for natural disasters, is out with its initial report, including a section on potential changes …

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