Right Street

Hoeven’s Flood Bill Derailed in U.S. House

In what turned out to be very good news for taxpayers, the environment and anyone concerned about risk mitigation, the speeding legislative train that was Sen. John Hoeven’s S. 2039 was derailed in the U.S. House yesterday. The bill, which …

Harsh Medicine in South Florida

The Citizens Property Insurance Corp.’s governing board convened a workshop in Miami this week to address various issues facing the state-run insurer, including its inadequate rates, ballooning book of business and recent complaints about how the company is going about …

The Awful Hoeven Levee Bill

Mid-morning tomorrow, I’ll be attending a meeting in Sen. John Hoeven’s (R-ND) office to debate be educated about the Senator’s bill to exempt his state from requirements that it follow federal laws about preserving flood plains. Although I come to …

Yes, Of Course We Do Need a National Catastrophe Solution

The National Conference of Insurance Legislators has a tendency to be a very deliberative and, yes, dilatory, body. During the meeting of its Property and Casualty Insurance Committee last Friday in Burlington, Vermont this past week, every single piece of …

Rep. Royce Takes His NAIC Questions to Treasury

Dissatisfied with the answers he’s received from the group itself, U.S. Rep. Ed Royce, R-Calif., is turning to Federal Insurance Office Director Michael McRaith with a request that his office, a branch of the U.S. Treasury Department, review the regulatory …

Gilway’s Approach to Citizens Reform Strikes a Good Balance

Barry Gilway was appointed president of Florida’s Citizens Property Insurance Corp. just a few weeks ago and already he is making public statements about how he intends to restore the state-owned company’s finances. Although he indicated from the very beginning …

Rep. Peterson: Millionaires Need Safety Nets, Too

In what was not at all a surprise, the House Agriculture Committee passed by a 35-11 margin its mammoth $957 billion Farm Bill early this morning, without any serious consideration given to amendments to scale back either the three new …

TDI’s Report on Insurance Rates: You Need to Go Beyond the Statutes

Sometime around mid-afternoon on July 10th, Texas Insurance Commissioner Eleanor Kitzman will sit down at a witness table before the Texas Senate’s Business and Commerce Committee and launch into a discussion based an a new report on Texas insurance rates …

Michigan’s Credit-Scoring Law Moves Closer to the Mainstream

The State of Michigan, whose Supreme Court struck down an absolute ban on the use of credit information in insurance underwriting and rate-making decisions, has moved to slightly loosen its insurance scoring restrictions while still retaining significant consumer protections. Republican …

Dred Scott? Really, Fellow Conservatives? Really?

More than a few of my friends on the political Right have taken to comparing the Supreme Court’s decision on the individual health insurance mandate to the infamous Dred Scott decision that declared that blacks were not citizens and therefore …

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