Right Street

BREAKING: Senate leaders strike deal on flood insurance reform

In a briefing today with interested parties, the Senate Banking Committee’s chairman and ranking member confirmed that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., and Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., have agreed to a deal that will allow flood insurance reform …

Rep. Cummings Wants Federal Workers Comp Insurer for Overseas Contractors

U.S. Rep. Elijah Cummings, D-Md. – the former chairman and current ranking Democrat on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee – has some issues with American International Group. And generally speaking, we can’t blame him. Back in 2009, he …

Consumer Federation of America’s “Shocking” New Study

When one strips away the posturing and insinuations of sinister corporate conspiracies contained in the new report on auto insurance rates from the Consumer Federation of America, you’re left with a pretty simple conclusion: If you shop around for things …

TWIA Solvency Concerns Finally on Texas Lawmakers’ Radar

The Texas Windstorm Insurance Association has only about $3.6 billion in claims-paying resources “under a best case scenario,” even though it could face losses of $14.2 billion from a Category 4 hurricane striking Galveston or $14.3 billion from a similar …

This is it: Senate Flood Insurance Bill Vote Coming Up

It’s almost time. After seventeen (count ’em–17) short-term extensions, almost a half dozen lapses in the program, and tons of political wrangling, a flood insurance reform bill–a real one–is going to come to the Senate floor as soon as tomorrow. …

Meet Barry Gilway: Florida’s Fate is in His Hands

Meet Barry Gilway, 66, Florida Citizens Property Insurance Corporation’s new president. Given the challenges ahead, I don’t know whether or not to congratulate him. Gilway has over 40 years of experience in the insurance industry, including heading the Seattle-based Mattei …

What Florida Conservatives Should Say About Backstopping

It’s pretty clear that Florida’s state-run property insurance system is a total mess in just about every way. As Ray Lehmann, me, and others have written the legislature–given sufficient political will–could solve these problems. But, to date, they just haven’t. …

Collateral Reform Passes Conn.; Calif. Up Next

Connecticut is the latest state to liberalize collateral requirements for foreign-based reinsurers, and California could be next on the list, after a similar bill passed that state’s Senate. Connecticut Gov. Dannel Malloy on June 4 signed Public Act 139, a …

Fla. Citizens Taps Zurich Vet as New President

The board of governors of Florida’s Citizens Property Insurance Corp. pulled off not one, but two shockers in the past 24 hours with respect to its choice of a new permanent president to lead the state-run insurer. First, the board …

Florida Can and Should Fix its Own Insurance Problems

You have to hand it to the Palm Beach Post. First, the paper sends out a reporter to a press conference with Gov. Rick Scott to ask his opinion of a “national windstorm pool,” and builds an entire story (no …

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