Right Street

Insurance leaders agree on challenges facing the industry

The 15 largest publicly-traded property and casualty insurers and reinsurers are all facing similar challenges as the year comes to a close. According to R Street’s review of Q3 2021 earnings calls, the top three difficulties are social inflation, climate …

A Hard Rain’s a-Gonna Fall

The torrential rain buffeting northern California and the Pacific Northwest is the result of two converging phenomena: an atmospheric river and a bomb cyclone. While the exceptionally heavy downpours may extinguish wildfires in the region, the violent rainfall is a …

Biden Tax Plan Hits Global Reinsurance

The bills for the Biden administration’s multi-trillion dollar American Jobs and American Families plans are expected to be footed by additional revenues generated by The Made in America Tax Plan. A headline feature of the plan raises income taxes on …

Credit-Based Insurance Scores – The Battle Heats Up

Earlier this month, the Colorado Senate passed a bill prohibiting insurance companies from using any external consumer data and information source, algorithm or predictive model for insurance premium calculation found to be unfairly discriminatory. Two weeks prior, on April 28, …

Bricks Without Straw?

You are no longer to supply the people with straw for making bricks; let them go and gather their own straw. But require them to make the same number of bricks as before. Exodus 5:7-8a Washington’s Gov. Jay Inslee’s emergency …

Good Economic Policy is Good Resilience Policy

When hurricanes or major storms strike the United States, most of the media coverage focuses on how climate change is exacerbating the intensity and frequency of major storms. But even as these catastrophic events occur, climate change is only a …

Conventional Unemployment Insurance Does Not Work in the Gig Economy

Like those on the opposite coast, New York courts and administrative panels have recently found that Uber drivers qualify for unemployment benefits. This is a problem. Indeed, even if the courts are right as a matter of law, what’s happening …

Is California’s Prop 103 System ‘Democratic’?

Defining the term “democracy” has long been a challenging proposition. Nearly all agree that a democracy is a government that reflects the will of the people, but questions about the particulars, of what structures are wise or useful to harness …

New York ‘Bad Faith’ Bill Repeats Mistakes of California and Florida

The State of New York may be on the verge of making the same mistake that has driven Florida auto insurance premiums through the roof, and that did the same in California until its high court learned the error of …

Tort Reform Could Move Louisiana Closer to a Passing Grade

For two years in a row, Louisiana has had the ignoble distinction of finishing dead last, with a grade of “F,” in the R Street Institute’s annual report card of the insurance regulatory environment in each of the 50 states. …

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