Right Street

NAIC Innovation Panel Moves for Update of Anti-Rebating Model

The National Association of Insurance Commissioners has taken the first step in what stands to be a more than yearlong process to update the rules states use to police impermissible “rebates” offered by insurers and insurance producers. By a unanimous …

At NCOIL, Anti-Rebating Debate Ponders Fitbits and Free Turkeys

Is a free turkey a rebate? That was the question from Idaho Insurance Director Dean Cameron that stumped the experts. One of the more interesting debates of the National Council of Insurance Legislators’ summer meetings in Newport Beach, California, has …

Reinsurance Could Protect Taxpayers From More NFIP Borrowing After Barry

The impending strike of Tropical Storm Barry on Southeast Louisiana, coming at a moment when the Mississippi River is cresting at heights not seen since 1927, has many fearing a replay of the devastation wrought by Hurricane Katrina in 2005. …

Misguided Editorialists Try to Raise the Beach House Bailout from the Dead

Each time it has been trotted out on the public stage, the Beach House Bailout has died an ignominious death. Leave it to the necromancers on the Tampa Bay Times editorial board to try to raise this zombie idea from …

California Does Not Have a Wildfire Insurance Crisis

It’s understandable that wildfire is on the top of mind for California lawmakers this session. Coming on the heels of the 2017 wildfire season that saw $13.2 billion in insured losses, the fires last November that destroyed the town of …

Has Michigan Fixed Its Broken Auto Insurance System?

It took the threat of a ballot initiative to make it happen, but the deal no one ever thought they would see has come to fruition: Michigan’s lawmakers have passed legislation to reform the state’s worst-in-the-nation auto insurance market. In …

Texas Moves Closer to Boosting Private Flood Market

The nation’s second-largest market for flood insurance may soon join more than a dozen other states in waiving requirements that insureds first search the admitted market before placing a private flood insurance policy with a surplus lines carrier. In a …

Techquake: The Biggest Threat to California’s Tech-Sector May Lie Directly Beneath its Feet

California’s technology sector has had a tough year with state and federal policymakers, to say nothing of the general public. Concerns about the size and scope of internet firms have led to a “techlash,” bringing with it uncomfortable hearings and …

As an Unelected Legal Organization Attempts to Rewrite Insurance Law, Indiana Legislators are Pushing Back

State legislatures, including Indiana’s General Assembly, are moving to protect themselves from an emerging version of legal “alternative facts” as yet another venerable American institution erodes its own credibility. This week, Indiana legislators are scheduled to consider a resolution warning …

Texas Sunset Commission States the Obvious: TWIA Is Financially Unsustainable

The Texas Windstorm Insurance Association (TWIA), the state-created residual market that provides windstorm insurance policies in 14 designated coastal counties, suffers from “fundamental flaws” in the agency’s design, according to a scathing report by the Texas Sunset Commission. In Texas, …

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