Right Street

CBO’s NFIP Report Makes Clear How We Encourage People to Live at the Coast

With recovery from Hurricane Harvey just begun, and with the powerful Hurricane Irma bearing down in the days to come, policymakers are being forced to think hard about federal policies that long have encouraged development in coastal zones and other …

NCOIL, NAIC on Collision Course over Delegation Authority

A conflict is brewing between the National Conference of Insurance Legislators (NCOIL) and the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC), even though neither side wants to admit it. The two private trade associations, with memberships composed of public officials, are …

Study Shows Many Homeowners Would Do Better with Private Flood Insurance

It’s no great revelation that when prices are centrally controlled, they tend not to reflect reality. In some cases, this means that consumers pay less than the true value of a good or product. In other cases, they pay too …

N.C. Lawmakers Again Scuttle Bill to Reform Rate Bureau

Most of the auto insurance industry has for several years been trying to convince North Carolina’s lawmakers to eliminate the last vestiges of the once-common “rate bureau” system, under which the government ordains that companies must use rates set by …

California Crackdown on Brand Advertising Hurts State’s Newcomers

California is an ethnically and culturally diverse state, and it is becoming more so with each day. That diversity brings with it economic strength, but also a need for public policy that consciously accounts for the different ways in which …

How a Border-Adjustment Tax Would Hurt Louisiana’s Insurance Market

Louisiana already has some of the highest property insurance rates in the nation. But they could creep higher still—an estimated $1.11 billion higher over the next decade—should congressional tax-reform efforts limit insurance companies’ ability to use reinsurance, which is how …

Throwing Cold Water on the Insurance Industry’s Dog Bite Numbers

Today is National Pet Day, a day to cherish the love, entertainment and fulfillment provided to us by our animal companions. Or, if you’re in the insurance industry, it’s a day to stoke fear of dog bites. “Dog-Bite Claims Surge …

California Legislators Consider Self-Driving Vehicles and the Need for Prop 103 Reform

Proposition 103—California’s restrictive regulatory regime for insurance—may need a few tweaks as fewer and fewer cars on the road have human drivers. During a March 8 informational hearing, members of the California Senate Insurance Committee heard from a panel of …

At NCOIL, State Lawmakers Look to Claw Back Power from NAIC

Newly assertive leadership of the National Conference of Insurance Legislators appears eager to confront what it views as an ongoing usurpation of authority from state legislatures. Thomas B. Considine—now NCOIL’s chief executive, but previously commissioner of the New Jersey Department …

Border Adjustment Would Sock Florida with Hugely Higher Insurance Rates

In recent years, Congress repeatedly has considered legislation that would have adversely and profoundly impacted disaster-prone states like Florida. Luckily, we were spared passage, over and over again. Unfortunately, a tax “reform” package supported by House Republicans and likely to …

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