Your Sales iQ

Activity vs Sales – Predicting Producer Success

Sales iQ Activity vs Sales Which is the better predictor for producer success? Many agency principals and sales managers believe that compensation and commissions will motivate their producers. That’s true for those who are motivated solely by money. Many studies …

Negotiation Skills

Negotiation As agents, we are required to negotiate frequently as a natural course of doing business. We negotiate every day of our lives with clients, prospects, underwriters,marketing reps, and Agency personnel. We negotiate on everything from rates to coverage, and …

My Favorite Underwriters

The Importance Of Sales Meetings

Your Sales iQ Nothing, not one thing happens in this economy until a sale is made. No raw materials are ordered, not one engine starts, and no services are performed until an order has been placed. Strong sales are the …

Non Optional Sales Success Behaviors

I have the good fortune of meeting and working with the very best in our business. I routinely engage in discussions on a variety of topics that affect our industry. Interestingly enough, the conversations I enjoy most are not those …

Selling Value

Selling Value not Price As a consumer, do you always buy the cheapest product or service you can find? If you are like most people, probably not. Do you gravitate towards the most expensive item you can find? Unless you …

Unlocking prospect information to win business

Information gathering strategies Unlocking prospect information is a critical skill set that separates the best agents from rest. Recent questions have arisen regarding efficient information gathering. The very best get everything they need from prospects and clients to do a …

The hidden language of sales

As agents, effective communication is critical to our success. Studies show only 30% of the information we receive in the context of a conversation is verbal, almost 67% is non-verbal. Humans are a very visual species. Be aware of the …

Sharkproof part 3 – Influence

Sharkproof II: Retention through investment

Shark proof In part one of this series, we defined a shark as the kind of producer you don’t want anywhere near your clients. Sharks are experienced professionals who know the business, and are experts at breaking relationships. The 3 …

Your Sales iQ Archives by Month