Come Along For the Ride

The walk uphill to school… both ways

I remember my mom and dad telling us stories growing up about how tough things were when they were our age. My sisters and I would be shocked by some of the circumstances they endured as kids. We now know …

Come Along For the Ride As We ‘Boomerize’ Our Marketing Plans

This week, I was in Plymouth Meeting, Penn., instructing a class on generational differences to some 20 insurance professionals. What a great group of people! There were Baby Boomers, Gen Xers and Gen Yers in the room, representing their age …

Young Agents look for opportunity… and a future

Come along for a ride with me… or better yet, join me for a cup of coffee in my office, as we discuss articles from the April 4th issue of Insurance Journal magazine about Young Agents and the industry’s future. …

The ride to Capitol Hill

Do you know what is going on in your state legislatively? Are you aware how it impact’s your agency or company’s bottom line? What about nationally? What is the impact of legislation on your business and on your clients? Come …

Come along for a ride with Jason Verlinde

I recently went on my own ride to Michigan for the Michigan YIP’s Winter Get-Away! I was invited to teach a class on Generational Differences and the turnout and response from the class was tremendous – it was a great …

Gen Yers looking for lucky number 29

Come along for the ride as we consider the resume of an average Gen Yer. Why do they switch jobs? Do we want ‘one of them’ working for us? In a report by Health by Design ( titled Gen Y- …

A Career in Insurance (aka) “An Offer He Couldn’t Refuse”

Come along for the ride as we hear from Ryan Hanley about how he got into “the business”. – Ryan Hanley, Account Executive, The Murray Group and author of the Albany Insurance Professional blog located at “My introduction to …

If you show me your opinion, I’ll show you mine

Come along for the ride as we take a look at how different generations value (or don’t value) other’s opinions on social media and what this means to the insurance industry. How would you respond to the following: When using …

Are Generational Differences Working For or Against Your Office?

How many different generations do you have working side by side in your Agency or Company? Do you have a Veteran who thrives on the satisfaction of a job well done? Do you have a Baby Boomer who is very …

Come Along for the Ride

Talking to so many great insurance professionals from around the country on how to get more young people involved in our industry Insurance Journal and I decided to get together and start a blog concentrating on issues, questions, concerns that …

Come Along For the Ride Archives by Month