Commercial General Liability News

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Home Depot Appeals to Get Defense Costs From CGL Policies for 2014 Breach

Dec 15 2023 // Think cyber events don’t have long tail? Consider this: Home Depot is still in a legal battle to get $50 million in coverage from two insurers nearly a decade after hackers used point-of-sale machines to hack the...

Travelers Wins CGL v. E&O Battle in Insurance Agency Defamation Case

Dec 8 2023 // Travelers Casualty Insurance Co. did not owe a duty to defend or indemnify its insured, CBIZ Borden-Perlman Insurance Agency, Inc., in a tort action in which Republic, as another insurer of B-P, bore the litigation and...

Is It Auto or CGL … or Both or Neither?

Oct 16 2023 // For many people, the outdoor grilling season is about over. Notice that I said “grilling” season and not “BBQing” season. Being a Southerner, we know that outdoor cooking is known as...

Do Truck Drivers Need CGL Coverage?

Aug 1 2022 // During my 17-year stint at the Big “I” national association, I received tens of thousands of coverage questions from member agents. One of the most common questions was whether someone needed [insert type of...

All Additional Insureds Aren’t the Same

Feb 7 2022 // For at least the past couple of decades, it seems that in just about every contract, the upstream party wants to be an additional insured (AI) on the downstream party’s insurance. Most commonly, the request is for AI...

‘All Generalizations Are Dangerous….’

Sep 7 2020 // I love quotations. I’ve collected them for almost 50 years. Over 20 years ago, I published my first book which was a collection of 1,500 of my favorite quotations, all indexed and cross-referenced, with an...

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