Freddie Mac News

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Freddie Mac Accepts KBRA Ratings, Giving Fla. Agents, Mortgagees More Options

Feb 2 2023 // Freddie Mac, one of two mortgage-buying companies that buttress the U.S. home-lending market, has agreed to accept the Kroll Bond Rating Agency as a rating firm for homeowners’ insurance companies. “We have...

Uncertainty Over Whether Frontline’s KBRA Rating Will Be Accepted by Freddie Mac

Jan 24 2023 // Frontline Insurance Co. has sparked confusion and concern from agents and insureds after the carrier last week sent out differing information about its financial rating agency. The potential good news for agents and...

Supreme Court Hears Shareholder Suit over Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac

Dec 10 2020 // U.S. Supreme Court justices on Wednesday questioned a bid by shareholders of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to pursue legal claims arising from the government’s rescue of the mortgage finance firms following the 2008...

Private Mortgage Insurers’ Bigger Slice of Freddie Mac Pie Smaller Than Hoped

Sep 26 2016 // Mortgage insurance companies are getting a long-awaited shot at expanding their business with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. But it’s shaping up to be less lucrative than they had hoped. Freddie Mac on Monday planned to...

Private Insurers Weigh Backing Veterans’ Mortgages

Oct 28 2014 // Private insurers are considering a request by U.S. officials to guarantee mortgages for veterans — the fastest growing part of the market. The Department of Housing and Urban Development is urging mortgage insurers...

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