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Insurance Journal West

Professional Liability Directory; Transportation/Inland Marine/Cargo; Social Services/Non-Profits

Professional Liability Directory; Transportation/Inland Marine/Cargo; Social Services/Non-Profits

Insurance Journal West
March 26, 2007
Our Price: $7.95

Inside This Issue


Idaho Senate passes underinsured motorists coverage bill

Coverage would provide protection during accidents

UCLA Study: Most Calif. workers OK with workers' comp care

Most workers visit health care provider within three days of injury

Wash.'s Gregoire declares "rate holiday"

Saves $315 million in insurance premiums

Vanek promoted to CEO of NLASCO

Colo. company completes acquisition

New Mexico passes regulatory modernization bill

Bill should help market competition

Oregon amends rule on licensing

Also, Senate passes farmworkers bill

Workers' comp bills head to Colo. House floor

Insurance association says administrative costs to increase

Court ruling indicates claims made policy language ambiguous

Conundrum could extend to other professional liability coverages

Calif. jury returns asbestos verdict of more than $868,000

Rich-Tex's products defectively designed

Washington warming to national disaster plan

Hurricane and flood disasters are not just a local issue

Swiss Re sigma study details 2006 natural, man-made disasters

Losses were below the long-term trend in 2006

Wyo., Ark. cited as deadliest states for truck crashes

R.I., Mass. noted as safest states in national study

A.M. Best says commercial P/C outlook stable

Pricing remains rational for now despite increasing competition


Special Report: Professional Liability

The new IT frontier

Hidden exposures and brewing claims in the tech liability field

The new world of Internet job applications affects employer's liability New government rules define who qualifies as an online applicant

As hedge fund industry matures, so do its liability risks

Hedge funds are exposed to increasing risks from regulators, market and public

SPECIAL REPORT: The new IT frontier

Hidden exposures and brewing claims in the tech liability field

Media professionals want to know: what's fair use of copyrighted video? YouTube lawsuit, new insurance product shine spotlight on media liability

Special Report: 2007 Professional Liability Directory

Commissioner Series: Montana's Morrison

Fighting for the uninsured with cat fund, captives

Top 10 myths of D&O liability insurance

Squelching frequent misconceptions of this valuable protection

Ten ways to avoid E&O exposure

Brokers aren't bullet-proof, but they can become bullet-resistant


Growing Your Property Casualty Agency

Three ways to bag more personal lines sales

Recent opt out settlements challenge D&O severity

Wave of settlements has implications for D&O limits selection

McCarran repeal: Beware of negative unintended consequences

Limited antitrust exemption makes industry more competitive