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Insurance Journal Midwest

Salute to Managing General Agents/AAMGA Issue; Medical/Health Care Professional Liability; Group Products for P&C Agents/Benefits Brokerage Directory

Salute to Managing General Agents/AAMGA Issue; Medical/Health Care Professional Liability; Group Products for P&C Agents/Benefits Brokerage Directory

Insurance Journal Midwest
May 7, 2007
Our Price: $7.95

Inside This Issue


Car thieves take the bait

NICB releases listing of top cities for theft

Key chairman favors 6 to 8-year terrorism insurance extension

Insurance industry pushes for longer time period

Commercial P/C premiums drop, survey finds

Underwriting relaxes and some say 'it's out the door'

Report details P/C insurers' 2006 profitability

Warns falling prices means profits are at, or approaching, cyclical peak

Study: Obese workers drive up workers' compensation costs

Workers filed twice the number of claims



MGAs think outside of the box while preparing for a changing market

SPECIAL REPORT: Climate Change: How costly? Who pays?

U.S. report details the risks of climate change for private and public insurers

SPECIAL REPORT: Climate Change: What insurers are doing

Catching up with industry expert Evan Mills on climate change

Closer Look: Medical/Health Care Professional Liability

Assisted living, miscellaneous facilities spur growth in professional lines

Closer Look: Medical/Health Care Professional Liability

Physicians' professional liability underwriters in new clinical settings

Spotlight: 2007 Employee Benefits Directory


Insider trading plans

A new D&O underwriting concern


MGAs think outside of the box while preparing for a changing market

Disruptive forces in the insurance industry

Constructive or chaotic?

Pet food case raises product recall 'special property'

Pet owners raise possibility of new coverage issues

Closing Quote: Congress should consider 'guiding principles' for TRIEA

Carrier Watch

Commercial insurers' stock trades down in first quarter

Do what you love and the rest will follow

Tales of lessons learned about marketing and customer relationships

Minding Your Business

Executive risk exposures producers should know