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Insurance Journal East

Top Commercial Lines Retail Agencies; Errors & Omissions; Commercial Auto/Taxis/Limos

Top Commercial Lines Retail Agencies; Errors & Omissions; Commercial Auto/Taxis/Limos

Insurance Journal East
August 6, 2007
Our Price: $7.95

Inside This Issue


Sept. 11 workers sue WTC insurance fund for sick pay

Want WTC Captive Insurance Co. to compensate them for health care

Pa. won't reduce state's medical malpractice coverage now

State says private market would not fill gap in primary coverage

Insurers anticipate claims from Manhattan steam pipe blast

Move to force Con Ed to preserve evidence from the July explosion

Commerce in Mass. U-turn, now backs competitive rating

Major opponent of change in system puts past behind it

N.Y. Gov. Spitzer put on defensive over political tactics

Apologizes and suspends top aides for political dirty work

House panel adds wind coverage to flood program

Insurers balk, while agents understand need but do not support move

Commercial P/C prices still dropping

Risk managers survey finds soft market pricing continues

The Hartford ends agents' contingent commissions

Settlement with AGs also costs insurer $115 million

N.H. town scraps public event insurance requirement

Threat of First Amendment suit changes public event policy

Maine widow sues over asleep-at-wheel crash

Did employer make workers work long hours?

Court challenge to Va.'s bad driver fees delayed

Opponents have to wait for another shot


Market Feature: How to write energy risks in a volatile world

Firms need more than energy-specific coverages

Spotlight: Commercial Auto

Commercial clients should know who's behind the wheel

Sept. 11 workers seek sick pay

WTC Captive Insurance targeted in lawsuit

SPECIAL REPORT: Agents in E&O buyer's seat

Market tide has turned in their favor

SPECIAL REPORT: Commercial Lines Leaders agencies that excel in commercial lines sales

SPECIAL REPORT: Commercial Lines Insights

Top agencies put service issues on top as prices continue to fall

Taxicab market: limousines' ugly stepsister?

Specialized market may not be glamorous, but can be profitable


Minding Your Business

Working 'on' instead of 'in' your business

Idea Exchange: Closing Quote

Credit scoring: 21st Century redlining

Birny Birnbaum, Center for Economic Justice