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Insurance Journal West

Top Commercial Lines Retail Agencies; Errors & Omissions; Commercial Auto/Taxis/Limos

Top Commercial Lines Retail Agencies; Errors & Omissions; Commercial Auto/Taxis/Limos

Insurance Journal West
August 6, 2007
Our Price: $7.95

Inside This Issue


Oregon seeks comments on insurer assessments

State hopes to eliminate exemption for annuity products

SPECIAL REPORT: Errors and Omissions Agents in E&O buyer's seat

Market tide has turned in their favor

Calif. launches online agency licensing system

Technology designed to improve accuracy, efficiency

Insurance referendum appears headed for Wash. ballot

Industry associations hope to block collection of treble damages

Task force to investigate former SCIF employees

Three Calif. agencies join in looking for potential misconduct

Court rules liability waiver invalid when tre is gross negligence

Ruling could mark new era in sports and recreation industries

Calif. State Bar considers mandatory mce insurance disclosure

Many 'respondent' lawyers failing to carry insurance

Taxicab market: Limousines' ugly stepsister?

Specialized market may not be glamorous, but can be profitable

Consumer group says FTC report proves credit scoring costs minorities

Report indicates African Americans, Hispanics may be at disadvantage

House panel votes to add wind coverage to flood program

Insurers balk, while agents understand need but do not support move

Commercial P/C prices still dropping

Risk managers' survey finds soft market pricing continues

Managing energy risk in a volatile world

Risks from global expansion, uncertainty with alternative energy sources must be factored in

The Hartford ends agents' contingent commissions

Settlement with AGs changes agent compensation; pays out $115 million

Oil and Gas: Not all policies are the same

Make sure coverages are the ones your client wants -- and needs

More Americans seeking coverage over the Internet

But access to agents still valued


Spotlight: Commercial Auto. Commercial clients should know who's behind the wheel

Web-based tool delivers access to real-time driving records


Minding Your Business

Working 'on' instead of 'in' your business or permanent?

SPECIAL REPORT: Errors and Omissions. Agents in E&O buyer's seat

Market tide has turned in their favor

Are lower securities lawsuit filing levels temporary

May be premature to reduce D&O pricing levels

SPECIAL REPORT: Commercial Lines Leaders agencies that excel in commercial lines sales

Protecting customer data

State laws vary, but principles stay the same 21st century redlining and the end of insurance

SPECIAL REPORT: Commercial Lines Insights

Top agencies put services issues on top as prices continue to fall

Closing Quote: Insurance credit scoring

21st century redlining and the end of insurance

Court rules liability waiver invalid

Ruling could mark new era in sports and recreation industries

Managing energy risk in a volatile world

Risks from global expansion, uncertainty with alternative energy

Are lower securities lawsuit filing levels temporary or permanent?

May be premature to reduce D&O pricing levels