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Insurance Journal West

Contractors; Special Events; Digital Product Guide

Contractors; Special Events; Digital Product Guide

Insurance Journal West
September 3, 2007
Our Price: $7.95

Inside This Issue


Calif. State Fund names Frank new president

Board expects her to improve operations after controversy

Alaska court decision could lead to uneven rates

Insurers say like risks will be treated differently

Nation's workers’ comp benefits, costs down

Calif. reforms led to large declines

Swett & Crawford provides housing

Seattle office partners with Habitat for Humanity

Insurers oppose proposed Calif. workers' comp deductible

Industry says bill will boost temporary disability payments

Calif. approves GEICO rate reduction

Company compliant with auto rating factor regs

Court rules workers' comp costs can be tallied in incentive plans

Says that does not discourage employees from reporting injuries

Insurance company protecting Idaho homes from wildfire

Sun Valley sends in its own fire truck

Credit scoring use still an "issue" for officials, consumer groups

But industry groups say the battle has become less "onerous"

Feds release data on drunken driving fatalities

Deaths increased in states and fell in 26 states in 2006

Fatal workplace injuries drop slightly in 2006

On-the-job transportation incidents remained No. cause of death


Special Report: Contractors

Staying afloat in complex construction insurance waters

Latinos and Property Casualty Insurance

Marketing survey looks at buying habits and behaviors of Latinos

Closer Look: Special Events

A closer look at tricky coverage issues for special events

Spotlight: Digital Product Guide

States, federal agencies try to keep up with wildfires

Western states aim to improve prevention practices

The blame game and the subprime mortgage lending meltdown

Litigation rampant. Who should bear the burden?

Marsh UK warns of possible liabilities from subprime fallout

Issue has implications outside of the United States

Will sinking subprime market create woes for Balboa?

Balboa's status reflects financial pressures that exist at Countrywide


Minding Your Business

Mickey Mouse and the insurance agency

Brokerage Watch

Big broker stock prices vary big in June, July

An 'unholy alliance'

An analysis of the campaign to advance federal regulation of insurance

Closing Quote: Waging a war for industry talent

Reaching outside the insurance sector, education will grow the industry


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