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Insurance Journal Southeast

Small Business Insurance/BOPs; Claims

Small Business Insurance/BOPs; Claims

Insurance Journal Southeast
February 11, 2008
Our Price: $7.95

Inside This Issue


New U.S. disaster response plan promises better coordination

Plan reflects lessons from Katrina, tornadoes and wildfires

N.C. workplace deaths dropped

Down to 46 from 65 the year before.

3-day dragnet in Fla. nets 47

47 Floridians arrested so far in a statewide operation

500 Tenn. restaurants pick up tab

Costly workers' comp fund bankruptcy

Allstate still writing in Florida

But days may be numbered

N.C. debates whether sprinklers too costly to mandate

Building council caught between firefighters and home builders

GAO urges changes in wind, flood damage determinations

Report finds fault with exclusions, lack of data available to FEMA

House passes flood insurance reform legislation

Industry calls bill a great start to 2008 reform efforts

Democrats blast FDA labeling rule for drug makers

Proposed rule could shield manufacturers from product liability

Willis-Marsh? 'No comment' but rumors persist

Both firms refuse commentary on rumor

Insurers must focus on opportunities in 2008

Analysts say carriers must avoid price wars to stay profitable

Judge sentences Milberg Weiss lawyer

First of seven sentenced in class-action kickback case

Supreme Court turns away lawsuit against banks by Enron investors

In light of Stoneridge ruling, court moves case back to 9th Circuit Appeals

Miss. couple unlikely to appeal Katrina award

Couple disappointed in final settlement


Closer Look: Claims

Get it in writing to protect businesses when claims occur

SPECIAL REPORT: Small Business Insurance/BOPs

BOP opportunities abound in Fla., Ga., N.C., Texas and Wash.

SPECIAL REPORT: Small Business Insurance/BOPs

Home-Based Business Boom - The risks of remote workplaces.

Employment Practices

How to screen employees - Advice on how to avoid bias in testing


Fla. considers changing collateral rule for reinsurers; But some question whether it will help capacity as claimed


Minding Your Business

State your mission, values and vision for success

Time to undo Florida's property 'reforms'

Competitive Enterprise Institute's Eli Lehrer on what's next

Closing Quote: Fighting insurance crime does pay

Dennis Jay on why fraud fighting is good business


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