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Insurance Journal East

Professional Liability Directory; Boats and Marinas; Commercial Auto

Professional Liability Directory; Boats and Marinas; Commercial Auto

Insurance Journal East
February 25, 2008
Our Price: $7.95

Inside This Issue


Proposed tax change concerns captive insurance industry

Vermont officials move to block IRS tax change

Conn. regulator exempts complex commercial filings from review

State wants to remove backlog of filings

Delaware's Denn seeks new job

Now he's off to be lieutenant governor

NYC high-rise accidents prompt calls for better safety oversight

Could mean additional safety managers on some project sites

Maryland can't stop Allstate's nonrenewals

Commissioner Tyler says state's hands are tied

N.Y. junkyard owner charged in illegal alien scam

May have netted $30,000 from fraudulent insurance and registrations

N.Y., states takes lead on bond insurance

State officials step in where feds failed

Quarterly profit down 62% at Marsh

Consolidated 2007 revenue rose 8% over 2006

Survey: 'Managing the cycle' remains

No. 1 priority

Respondents say more needs to be done to manage soft market cycle

Medical costs for auto injury claims outpacing inflation

New study shows driving force in gains is growth in medical care expenses

Study: Subprime crisis not materially affecting D&O or E&O pricing

Advisen reports little impact on availability, cost or policy conditions

D&O costs highest for financial, tech, life science firms

Carpenter Moore says results make sense

Spate of fire deaths has officials sounding alarm over smoke detectors

Rural as well as urban communities targeted; two types of detectors recommended

AIG's $5B write-down concerns rating agencies, Wall Street

But insurer says mistake is not material


SPECIAL REPORT: Professional Liability

With technology, the one constant is change

SPECIAL REPORT: Professional Liability

The 'cyber phenomenon' and EPLI claims

SPECIAL REPORT: Top 100 Agency Profile

Strength in numbers and cooperation - Keystone Insurers Group's cooperative franchise approach stands out

Spotlight: Commercial Auto

10 things to know about commercial auto

Closer Look: Boats and Marinas

A marina customer's file makes the difference

Closer Look: Boats and Marinas

How to get boat owners the right coverage


Create a team environment in an individual commission-based world

Brokerages and its brokers benefit when every one plays on the same team

Growing Your Property Casualty Agency

Offer pre-packaged personal auto choices

Brokerage Watch

2007 closes with 205 M&A deals

Closing Quote: Spillover of bond insurer downgrades

Bond insurance mess as seen from Capitol Hill


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