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Insurance Journal Southeast

Worker's Comp Report with Directory; Restaurants/ Bars/ Liquor; Inland Marine/ Transportation/ Cargo

Worker's Comp Report with Directory; Restaurants/ Bars/ Liquor; Inland Marine/ Transportation/ Cargo

Insurance Journal Southeast
May 19, 2008
Our Price: $7.95

Inside This Issue


Florida's adding to Citizens' risk worries CFO Sink

Latest legislation doesn't help overall situation, say property insurers

Alabama hikes mandatory auto limits

It's the first time since 1983

Report on fatal S.C. sofa store fire

Lack of water cited; fire chief faces scrutiny

Tenn. amends medical malpractice law

Adds new lawsuit notice requirement

Ignoring flood warnings could bar drivers from suing in Tenn.

State wants motorists to heed warnings

Alabama opens coast to captives

Hopes for more competition in residential insurance business

U.S. insurers face uphill battle to alter foreign insurers' tax break

Coalition quietly lobbies Congress, but is not successful at securing legislation

Supreme Court weighs insurer's conflict of interest surrounding claims

Dual role in question for health, disability benefits claims

Washington Report: Senate rejects adding wind coverage to flood insurance program

Washington Report: Congress: Civilians working in war zones face claims hurdles

International Report: 1Q earnings gone with the credit crunch

Execs say more can be done to attract new talent to insurance careers

Note agents' role as trusted advisors solidifies their place in the market

Alabama researchers eye improved tornado forecasts

Putting ballooning and dropped debris to better use

Reforms checked Fla. workers' comp costs for a year

Results in line with expectations when law passed in 2003

Report tallies trade-offs of adding wind to federal flood

Cites potential for losses to greatly exceed expectations

Bankrupt Poe insureds seek filing deadline extension

Say guarantee fund gave insufficient notice of June deadline


Spotlight: Inland Marine/


Insurance industry: One cog in the cargo theft prevention machine

Closer Look: Restaurants and Bars

Cafeterias cooking up explosive sales, expansion in restaurant market

SPECIAL REPORT: Workers' Compensation

In short-term, workers' compensation outlook is positive; Rising medical costs, regulation and low investment returns pose concerns

SPECIAL REPORT: Workers' Compensation

Injury hotspots from coast to coast

2008 Workers' Comp Directory

Insurers market private workers' comp on U.S. defense projects

Defense Base Act sets the benefits for private employees working overseas

Employers spell out telecommuting policy to control exposure

Even if it lacks a formal policy, a firm faces risks from workers off-site


Growing Your Property Casualty Agency

The pros and cons of producer compensation methods

Closing Quote: Martin J. Welch

Small business workers' comp customers depend on agents


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