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Insurance Journal South Central

Golf & Leisure Issue; Education & Training Directory

Golf & Leisure Issue; Education & Training Directory

Insurance Journal South Central
August 18, 2008
Our Price: $7.95

Inside This Issue


Washington Warns: Beware Hole in One Scam

Regulators Caution Not to Buy from Fraudulent Firm, Golf Marketing

Large Companies Exposed but Underprepared for Natural Disasters

FM Global Study Says More Than Half Not Prepared for Flood, Earthquakes

Marsh & McLennan to Cut Jobs After Q2 Losses

900 Positions Will be Eliminated by Year-End

Pay-As-You-Drive Programs Expand on Both Coasts

California to New Jersey, Industry Warming Up to Alternative New Programs

Hole In One Insurance Odds: Golf's Rare Feat

Probability of Making a Hole in One More Difficult Than Previously Estimated

Pitching the Youth Sports Waiver Liability

Agreements Can Provide Protection from Claims

The Risky Business of Reality TV

Unpredictable Nature of Shows Makes Insuring Them More of an 'Art'

Breaking Away: More People Opt for Pedal Power

Bicycle Accident Rates Improve, but Protection Still Needed

New York Broker Bicycles to Olympic and Insurance Success

CSA's Seubert Helps Bike Manufacturers, Retailers, Distributors Know Their Risks

Super-Size It! No Slowdown in Demand for Ultra Large Yachts

Market Appears Immune to Economic Woes


Club Concerns: Liquor, Swimming Pools and the Board Room

These Three Golf and Country Club Liabilities Require Serious Attention

Street Legal or Not, Golf Cart Injuries Likely to Rise

Finding Liability Coverage May Be Tricky

Free Fuel for Life and Other Amazing Prizes

Raising Awareness and Funds Without Risk with Hole in One Insurance

Industry on the Green

Mixing Business With Pleasure — Golf Photos from Around the Industry

Soft Market Exposes Value of Risk Control for Golf Insurers

Golf Business Slows While Competitive Insurance Market Heats Up


No Absolutes in Agency Training and Recruitment

Start Small, Build Interns and Invest in Psychological Evaluations

Exclusive Resource: 2008 Education & Training Directory

Minding Your Business: A Guide to Budget Planning Basics

Growing Your Property Casualty Agency

New Jersey Producer Inspires Chinese and American Agents

Closing Quote: Be Careful When Having Fun

America's Leisure Activities Not So Risk-Free


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