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Insurance Journal West

Excess, Surplus & Specialty Markets Directory, Vol. II

Excess, Surplus & Specialty Markets Directory, Vol. II

Insurance Journal West
July 20, 2009
Our Price: $12.95

Inside This Issue


Tackling Client Bankruptcy

How to Help Clients Work Through the Challenges of Going Under

Property/Casualty Industry's Earnings Down 87% in Q1

Severe, Prolonged Turmoil in the Financial Markets to Blame

P/C Industry Pressured by 2009 Recession

Market Turnaround Expected by 2011

Baby Boomers, Gen Xers, Millennials at Greater Risk of Hearing Loss

Workers' Comp Benefits Could Be at Stake

International Report

Validus Wins IPC; Industry 'Think Tank' Warns on Climate Change; Partner Re to Acquire PARIS RE

2009 Directory of Excess, Surplus & Specialty Markets, Vol. II


D&O Insurance: Cost Versus Value

Not Like Your Typical Running Shoes

How To Cut Costs Without Cutting Effectiveness

Technological Advances Can Improve an Agency's Bottom Line

How Independent Agents View Super Regional Carriers

Survey Says Carrier Size Matters But So Does Price, Underwriting and Service

Growing Your Property Casualty Agency

5 Harsh Marketing Warnings for Today's Tough Times

Credit Default Swaps Should Be Regulated as Insurance

Turmoil Could Have Been Avoided

Closing Quote: Wholesalers as Partners

Partnerships Can Help When Navigating Market Changes


California Commissioner Rejects Workers' Compensation Insurance Rate Bureau Increase Request

Says Self-Insured Employers Have Been Able To Reduce Costs

California Considers Expanding Electronic Insurance Transactions

Claims Could Be Paid Through Electronic Funds Transfer

Hawaii Could Tap Hurricane Emergency Fund to Shore-Up Budget

$180 Million Fund Could Ease Projected $729 Million Shortfall

California Closer to Allowing Mileage-Based Auto Insurance

Buyers Would Be Able To Buy Blocks of Insured Miles

Employers Direct Stops Writing Workers' Comp in California

Says Market Could Be Well On Its Way To Another Crisis

Colorado's Storm Damage Estimated at $161.1 Million

Most Damage Caused by Hail

Down But Not Out

The State of the Insurance M&A Marketplace

Mergers & Acquisitions: The Seller's Dilemma

Agencies That Generate Growth and Profitability Have the Most Options

Mergers & Acquisitions: The Evolving Buyer Group

A Stable, Predictable Buying Group No Longer Exists

Japanese Agents Tour U.S. Agencies To Learn Best Practices

Most of Japan's 300,000 Agencies Are Small, But They Are Dreaming Big 'I'-Like

Recession Increasing Insurance Fraud

Areas Where Agents Might See An Increase in Foul Play


Opening Note


Business Moves
