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Insurance Journal Southeast

Program Directory, Vol I.; IBA West Young Agents & Brokers

Program Directory, Vol I.; IBA West Young Agents & Brokers

Insurance Journal Southeast
June 7, 2010
Our Price: $12.95

Inside This Issue


Agents Seek More Real Time Options from Carriers

Survey Reveals Endorsement Processing as Top Wish

AIG on 'Clear Path to Repaying Taxpayers,' Says CEO Benmosche

But Treasury Chief Says a Full Recovery for Taxpayers Remains Uncertain

Overall Purchase Beats Price in Auto Insurance Satisfaction

J.D. Power Study Says Shopping Experience Now Outranks Price

Legal Woes When Employees Leave

What Agencies Should Do When Key Employees Resign

Commercial Market to Remain Stable, Challenging for Risk Managers

Marsh Sees Insurer Security, Transparency, Accountability as New Issues

2010 Program Directory, Vol. I

Insurance Programs Must Work for All Involved

The Good and Bad of Writing Programs

How Program Managers Can Help Agents Sell value

A Good Program Works for Insured, Carrier and Agent

Closing Quote: Guy Hoffman

How to Avoid Traps of Selling on Price


FEMA to Delay Flood Insurance Rate Hikes Tied to Remapping

Property Owners to Get Break for 2 Years

Tennessee Agents Warned on Flood E&O Exposure

Trade Group Defends Advisory to Member Agents

North Carolina Insurers Oppose Negligence Standard Change

State Would Join Others with Comparative Negligence Under Bill

Florida Insurers Keep Fingers Crossed as Hurricane Seasons Opens

But Hurricane Fund Financials Have Improved

20% of U.S. Drivers Would Flunk Test

See Where States Rank on Driver Education

Mississippi Home's Concrete Structure

Built to Withstand 200 mph Winds


Minding Your Business

Sales Strategies in Difficult Times

Small Town Hiring Blues

Overcome Hurdles of Recruiting to Smaller ' Big Cities'

It's Time to Take Advantage of Employee Wellness

Why Healthy Employees Produce Healthy Results

Agents' Top-Rated Carriers Make Fast Adjuster Contacts

Survey Shows Time It Takes Adjuster to Contact Insured Matters Most


Closing Quote


Opening Note
