Adult Day Care

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Adult Day Care

Post by shemeshka »

Hi there,
Anybody knows a good carrier for GL and Commercial Auto for Adult day Care?
Need to compete with Western World in GL and Progressive in Auto.

Thank you.
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Post by judithlou »

Try Colony and Great American.
carol dragich
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Adult Day Care

Post by carol dragich »

Try Great American or Philadelphis Insurance
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Post by janegordon »

AFC Insurance has a great program
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Post by shemeshka »

Hi everyone,

Thnk you for your replies. I've approached AFC and Great America and we'll see what they say.

Philadelfia declined due to alzhemer desease patients.

I'd like to approach Try Colony, but can't find their website. Also, I'm not direct with them so I need to find a wholesaler who work with them. Any idea?

Thanks a lot!
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adult day care

Post by cpalladino »

I am a wholesaler with access to Colony. Western World is pretty hard to beat as they have pretty low rates. I also have another carrier i would be willing to approach for you. my number is 888.760.3194 x 104
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Adult Day Care

Post by shemeshka »

Thank you guys. It was bound with help of AFC Insurance.

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