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Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 7:25 am
by jwbond
Typically, most carriers will not appoint a start up agency w/ no book of business or experience. I have two suggestions.

1) Try to get employed in the industry to obtain experience.

2) Broker business until your book is large enough for carrier to feel comfortable appointing you. Start with what you specialize in. For example, collection agencies are required to post a bond for their licenses in many states. Therefore, you may want to start by specialising in something like handling collection agency surety bonds.

You will need to be creative with your start-up since you are starting at a dis-advantage.

Starting in the Industry

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 11:11 am
by hipokets
I just recently had a friend that went thru the same thing. Got a license, went thru the CISR and then started looking for a position. Even though he didn't like it much, he took a job with Auto Insurance Discounters. Got a bit of experience. Went thru the Hartford Producer school. Finally 2 years later, got a job with an agency. It has been rough because they just threw him in and didn't explain anything. He has found he has been stumbling thru because it is hard to depend on over worked/over whelmed agency staff to assist him. I suggested that you look into AON. Most companies like Hartford, CNA..etc.. have entry level positions. Pay isn't wonderful, but you could get your foot in the door and work your way up. Or, you could try a small agency as a CSR and work your way up from there.

Why Not Try Part-time

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 8:50 pm
by jrichd
I believe that there is great potential in life in the part-time area. Why build a book of business for someone else. Find out why life agents are some of the highest paid agents.

What would you say to:
Low cost start-up
Great low cost providers
great commissions
opportunity to grow your business
where you own your client book

If you want a life changing opportunity then email me at


Re: Newly Licensed - Please Help!

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 12:55 pm
by surety answer guy
Start off using surety bond brokers until you have had a chance to establish your business most surety companies want to see that you have been in business for about a year and can offer them at least $25,000 in surety bond premium

Re: Newly Licensed - Please Help!

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 4:41 pm
by LadyBroker
I would have to agree that without a 4 year degree, it will be difficult to find an insurance Company willing to take a chance on you. However, you don't really say what you are looking to do --- if its sales, then go to one of the alphabet houses, or a large regional retail broker in your area. If you want to underwrite, you will have an uphill battle with a company, without your degree. If it's claim adjusting, again, they are really looking for a degree, or relevant experience.

You may want to consider looking to the wholesale/MGA side of the market, too, as you can underwrite or broke business, depending on the risk.

Re: Newly Licensed - Please Help!

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 10:38 am
by dmarzouk
Good Afternoon, I may be able to assist you, please send me your contact info or give me a call
908-998-1980 - Dan

Re: Newly Licensed - Please Help!

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 1:05 pm
by jbruggeman
Not sure where in Houston you are located but I have an Ind Agency in The Woodlands area and would like to talk to you.

Re: Newly Licensed - Please Help!

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2008 3:09 pm
by CSP
If you have a source of income to support the family, ie, wife working, or the proceeds from the sale of your previous business, approach a smaller independent insurance agency. Are you willing to work for commissions only or do you need to have a guaranteed income + commission? If you are willing to work hard for commissions only, in a few years (2-5) your book should be large enough to support you with a comfortable living. Learn as you go, one account at a time, one line of business at a time.


Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2008 3:46 pm
by gregcw
pbranson1980 wrote:I have been in the collection industry for the past five years and have even had my own collection agency which I sold for a profit after being in business for only 7 months. Since then I decided to get out of the collection industry. I just recently obtained my P & C license and moved to Houston, TX. I have been having the hardest time finding a company to hire me without experience even though I have my license. It seems that the companies I apply to are telling me that I need experience or a college degree. I am wondering how anyone without a degree gets into the industry and gets experience. Can anyone give me some helpful information that can help me get my foot in the door in the insurance industry? Your help would be greatly appreciated.
pbranson1980 wrote:I am not interested in starting an agency through safeco or farmers, I am looking to get a job in the industry.
pbranson1980 wrote:I have an extensive sales background and eventually would like to be a producer, but I would like to get my foot in the door anywhere I can. At this point, it doesnt matter whether it is personal lines or commercial lines as long as I can get a job. I would prefer commercial lines if I had the choice, but so far I have had no luck in finding a job any either. I checked out Safeco and they currently have no openings in Houston, only Richardson, San Antonio & Auston, TX.
You'll have to forgive me, I've cut all three of your posts in to this reply. In reading the three posts it doesn't sound like you have a clear idea of what you want to do. Regarding the college degree. I do not have a bachelors degree. I started out 26 years ago in 1982 with no degree as an agent for Farmers. I would not recomend that now (either no degree OR Farmers). I have since earned an AS in Business and the CIC designation. Between the two I consider that at least the equivalent of a bachelors degree.

Having five years in the collection industry, with only 7 months as a principal, causes me to wonder if you have the determination, drive and resolve to survive as an agency principal or just the wilingness and desire. If you just want to get into the industry, considering your background I'd suggest claims. The mindsets and personalities are at least similar and the type of work is comparable. As at least one othe post said, Sales experience is NOT enough. Accumulating Product Knowledge is crucial. If you are looking at being a principal, business management is equally important.

With all of that said, my recommendation is to get a job in an agency as a CSR to get your feet wet and decide if you really want to be in this industry.

Re: Newly Licensed - Please Help!

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 11:04 am
by edhorton
How about applying as a subrogation adjuster with a small insurance company? After all it's all about collections...

Re: Newly Licensed - Please Help!

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2008 2:04 pm
by KANIKI123

[quote="pbranson1980"]I have been in the collection industry for the past five years and have even had my own collection agency which I sold for a profit after being in business for only 7 months. Since then I decided to get out of the collection industry. I just recently obtained my P & C license and moved to Houston, TX. I have been having the hardest time finding a company to hire me without experience even though I have my license. It seems that the companies I apply to are telling me that I need experience or a college degree. I am wondering how anyone without a degree gets into the industry and gets experience. Can anyone give me some helpful information that can help me get my foot in the door in the insurance industry? Your help would be greatly appreciated.[/quote]

Re: Newly Licensed - Please Help!

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2008 9:17 pm
by InsMgmt
Wow! Let me see if I understand your position.

1 - You want to break into the industry;
2 - You want to do so with an established, professionally managed agency or company;
3 - It appears that you feel that the minimum educational requirement to gain a sales postion with one of those agencies is somehow unfair;
4 - You've owned a successful business in the past, but are unwilling to start an agency from scratch or purchase an established agency and build a future in the industy; and,
5 - You're unwilling to relocate to get started.

Is that about right?

Right. Well, have you thought about selling used cars?

Re: Newly Licensed - Please Help!

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2008 11:09 am
by Shagster12
As a mid thirties man with no college education I was fortunate indeed to find my way into this field. I did it with an exensive background in BTB telemarketing.
12 years later I have worked myself into a successful producer position with a commercial lines brokerage.
The steps I took to get here were not easy, 2 years in develoment and operating an in-house telemarketing department. 3 more years as a marketing rep, 2 years as an assistant / CSR, and 4+ years in 3 different agencies to find the right fit as a producer.....
All of this is a continual learning process which continues to this day...
My point is, you will likely be able to find a starting point at the bottom somewhere, there are always entry-level positions available. CSR, Assistant, telemarketing appointment setter, anywhere you can break in is good. But most importantly you need to learn! Start learning and continue to learn...never stop learning....
I have not met very many successful producers in the industry that haven't done other facets of the business first. The better rounded your experience gets the more successful you can be. So don't look to start at the top because you will surely fall, get a start somewhere with room to advance and grow. Make yourself a timeline / roadmap and try to follow it.
Good luck!

Re: Newly Licensed - Please Help!

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2008 11:02 am
by trishr
Perhaps if you also got your securities license, that would be helpful. Anything that you can bring in that shows you have additional knowledge of the industry that puts you a notch above the next guy who is also trying to get a job can only help you, particularly since everyone is so hung up on your having a Bachelor's Degree, which I agree, is absolutely worthless. I've been in the business and found that it provided little more than the ability of a General Agent to say that his agents were all collge-educated. The reality was that it didn't make a bit of difference in terms of the quality of the agent. The job market is only going to get tougher -- keep plugging!

Re: Newly Licensed - Please Help!

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 11:57 am
by hhrchevy
Education v. Experience in getting insurance jobs

Experience in the right area is going to get you the job. I have been in the insurance field for 38 years, have a CPCU, CLU, CIC, ACSR, and a Masters Degree and guess what? I cannot even break into an assistant underwriter job, paying $45,000. I have worked in compliance, risk management, training and customer service work (not sales, however). So the education is not working, and unless you have the exact experience wanted, even experience is not working. Good luck. It just seems like a really bad time to be breaking into the insurance job market.