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Commercial General Liability

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 10:34 am
by inshru2
I am a California agent who is looking for CGL (admitted) for property owners who have multiple rental properties that are less than 4 units.
Stand alone CPL policies offered by Topa and McGraw have limits to the number of locations and McGraw does not offer Personal Injury.

It is not always possible to extend liability to rentals from homeowners CPL.

Re: Commercial General Liability

Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2006 12:09 am
by InsAgentSF
I wrote one up with Oregon Mutual.

Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2006 11:54 am
by sanddog1
inshru2, if you're appointed with OMI then InsAgentSF may have something. :wink: HO-3 policies issued in CA allow up to 4 to 6 units. 500,000 CPL. The problem is you need OL &T Liability, (wrongful eviction coverage) CPL does not have....this coverage. Its a nightmare for the carriers, when a claim is placed against CPL. They must defend.
Some carriers will endorse when ask.... 8)
I think JE Brown has something that may just work. Also have you tried a Commercial Umbrella. They should not be to expensive.

It is not always possible to extend liability to rentals from homeowners CPL. And you should NOT, the coverage is not meant for Rental property. :lol: And i'm sure your aware.