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Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2001 1:36 pm
by blondiebiker
please help.<BR>trying to find someone to cover a maxturbine motorcycle. value $150,000 only one in the market right now is owned by jay leno. <BR>bike goes 223mph at top speed made with a helicopter engine in it. <BR>any companies to try that might right in the state of oregon appreciated. no progressive and many excess surplus writers won't touch. <BR>thanks

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2001 8:02 pm
by Mitch Dunford
What a interesting and difficult motorcycle to try and find coverage for. We will try and send your request out on our daily email newsletter on Thursday or Friday. It currently reaches just over 5,000. Let me know if you receive help.<P>Mitch Dunford<BR>