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Where can I buy renewal leads from? Who are good suppliers?

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2008 12:29 pm
by sgrl82

I am looking to see where I can buy renewal leads from. Does anyone have any suggestions?



Re: Where can I buy renewal leads from? Who are good suppliers?

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 6:39 pm
by Norcalinsurance
It's sad that I'm the 1st reply to you. I just recently became an active member here, and have started replying to posts that are old. I hope your still in the business!

Anyways, assuming you are, I am in the same position you are in. Although I am looking for Life Insurance leads. I've been in insurance for over a year now, and must say that it is a hard business, as is any sales position.

This is my experience with drumming up leads. Always go through your existing book first for other lines & referrals, then cold calling (very cheap to free), then networking events/etc... then start buying your leads if those don't pan out

I'm putting effort into the above steps, but just last week, I invested a meager $200 on 10 life leads from First Quote. They supply Auto, Home & Life leads. I did not even Google them before giving the sales lady my CC info, but I must admit, she was a great sales person, and we did e-mail back & forth while on the phone.

Anyways, I'll be getting my 10 leads in a few days (hopefully) and this lady said that they will be untouched leads, so we'll see. If they are truly fresh & untouched & looking to browse, I'll pay $20 for the lead, whether my skills can close the deal or not.

Hope this helps. Write back soon. It's lonely in this Desert of forgotten posts.

Re: Where can I buy renewal leads from? Who are good suppliers?

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2008 11:21 am
by JustinReed
If you are talking about personal lines leads, they are almost always going to be shared leads. The Do Not Call list has pretty much killed any freshly called leads. They are generally created by setting up generic websites for quotes. In most cases these are sold to up to 5 different agents and in the industry we call them "internet leads". Usually of low quality and yo uwill automatically be competing with multiple agents.

If you are looking for Commercial Line or Group Health leads or appointments, give me a call. My name is Justin Reed and I Own G.M.R.. We specialize in leads and appointments for the insurance industry and they are never resold. But we do not do anything on personal lines.

Re: Where can I buy renewal leads from? Who are good suppliers?

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 9:38 pm
by GRCinCA
If you are going to spend some money on obtaining Xdates I would check into dataquick/property pro. Once the program is purchased you can run reports based on zip, year built, sale date, etc. - and it is a fair bet that most of these sale dates are the Xdates for home owners insurance. It may not come with a convenient list of what the homeowner's current carrier is or what their premium is but if you know where you are most competetive you can just adjust you search parameters in the program to find those properties. Phone numbers are checked against the DNC list so you or your telemarketer don't have to worry about that.

Good luck!

Re: Where can I buy renewal leads from? Who are good suppliers?

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 11:22 pm
by meytai
One of my clients once told me how one of my competitors knew exactly how much she was paying... and whne her policy expires...

I am wondering if x-date leads actually exist? because that would be awesome.. yet.... is that like.. edging privacy issue?


Re: Where can I buy renewal leads from? Who are good suppliers?

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 2:06 pm
by Shagster12
I have had some luck using an internet site called "melissadata".
Depending on the kind of information you're looking for they can custom tailer lists to your specs or you can do it yourself.
The more results the more the cost. I've also gotten free lists and they offer a lot of other services and advice.
You might give them a look at and no I'm not a rep for them.... :)

Re: Where can I buy renewal leads from? Who are good suppliers?

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2008 10:55 am
by CSP
After using 4 different companies claiming they are supplying good leads from the internet, "only interested people"........Don't waste your money. After spending a couple of thousand for only 5 responses and "0" written. I do better with the telephone book and cold calling. Not easy, but works better. Find a nich to write, research the nich, and cold call. Good Luck.........

Re: Where can I buy renewal leads from? Who are good suppliers?

Posted: Sat May 17, 2008 4:04 am
by choicearizona
You can also buy the Cole Directory online. Simply type in a zipcode and it brings up a list of everyone who bought a home by month by zipcode. That usually coincides with the renewal of their home policy - though some people refinance and it changes. But that is fairly inexpensive. And you can do your own marketing from there.