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Mobile Homes in Midwest

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 10:47 am
by baldagent
First time poster, with a question on one of my accounts....

I have a client with over 100 homes - not in a park - these are seperate 1-3 acre parcels of land for each mobile home. Its basically written as a scheduled rental policy. I have these written with American Modern currently and have used Foremost in the past. Both of these carriers have basically doubled the renewal premium and I need to find another option. Does anybody have any suggestions?

Re: Mobile Homes in Midwest

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 10:48 am
by InsMgmt
What state are you located in and where are these mobile homes located?

Re: Mobile Homes in Midwest

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 8:18 am
by baldagent
I'm in Texas and the mobile homes are spread out over Missouri, Arkansas and Oklahoma.

Re: Mobile Homes in Midwest

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 10:18 am
by InsMgmt
As you have already determined, there simply aren't that many carriers interested in writing wind debris, uh, I mean mobile homes in Tornado Alley.

American Modern Home and Foremost appear to be the lead carriers for mobile homes, but Allrisks, Ltd., Burns & Wilcox, and the other leading E&S brokers may have alternate markets--Lloyds will probably be quoted as often as any other. If Nationwide is sticking their toe into the market, Scottsdale may be a potential carrier - again, through your friendly E&S broker.

Good luck!