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Vacant Condo in California

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 1:25 pm
by Rochambeau
Elderly owner is going to retirement home and will be renting it out at some point.

Anyone? Anyone? (Bueller? Bueller? :mrgreen: )

Thanks in advance. 8)

Re: Vacant Condo in California

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 9:53 pm
by steve32
How long is it going to be Vacant?

Re: Vacant Condo in California

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 10:07 am
by Rochambeau
Well, she intends to try to rent it ASAP but who knows how long it will take to find a renter. I would imagine between 0 and 90 days.

Re: Vacant Condo in California

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 1:50 pm
by d's insurance store
Well, if the condo is currently insured with you as owner occupied, then I'd probably just leave the coverage in place, acknowledging any language in the policy about 30 day + unoccupancy.

If the condo's now vacant, with no furnishings and no prospective rental exposure, then I'd probably just leave it be unless I had a carrier that insured tenant occupied condo's and didn't have a question about immediate occupancy.

If I had a market that just offered premise liability, then I'd place it there until occupancy without any contents coverage.

And a lot would depend on whether or not this was an existing client, or just someone shopping out of the phone book looking for an accommodation policy because their 'regular' insurance agent couldn't/wouldn't handle it.

Maybe it helps and maybe it doesn't.

Re: Vacant Condo in California

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 4:48 pm
by Rochambeau
Well, we're doing an HO4 on her and can extend the liability. Her contents in the condo will be minimal, my primary worry is covering the interior walls, floors, etc..

Re: Vacant Condo in California

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 11:26 am
by d's insurance store
Then you want her to research her CC&R's for the association. She might be surprised to find her exposure as a unit owner for A Coverage items isn't as much as she might suspect.

Good luck

Re: Vacant Condo in California

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 12:23 pm
by SFOInsuranceLady
You may ask the current HO4 carrier if they will write a DP3 policy on the condo. One of our appointed carriers does this for us on a regular basis. They can cover the improvements and betterments, contents coverage ("landlord's furnishings") and add the OLT all on the same policy. They will also include loss assessment coverage. But be careful, if the condo does go vacant and it is vacant for more than 30 days, V & MM is null and void and many carriers after finding out (routine inspections) will want to get off of the risk. Also, read the policy with regards to vacancies. Some carriers add in their own exclusions. (Also, in California, be sure that she has Personal Injury on her HO4 policy if the OL & T doesn't cover this and have the liability extended on an HO70).

Good Luck! :D

Re: Vacant Condo in California

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 6:16 pm
by RiskMgr.A&M
Anderson & Murison has A rated HO6 programs offering full coverage while condo unit is owner occupied, vacant after owner has moved and later occupied as rental. We can provide HO4 for tenant and continue HO6 for the owner's interest. Owner must require that tenant name him as additional insured on tenant's CPL or HO4. Cancel existing HO6 and we will make vacant HO6 effective as of date of cancellation.

Fax HO6 app to 323-255-0957 or download from (without login). You will hear from us within 24 hrs, sometimes same day. Call me to discuss details or eligibility.

George Price, Mgr - Producer Services
Anderson & Murison Inc
800-234-6977 ext 209

Re: Vacant Condo in California

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2009 10:03 am
by Rochambeau
Awesome George, thanks. 8)

Convenient cause I am already appointed with you guys. In fact I am preparing a commercial risk to fax over to you guys for a quote. :D