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Non renewed Calif real estate appraiser E&O

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 4:58 pm
by bradjones
I've got a residential real estate appraiser in California being non-renewed by General Star for 1 claim. Lender disputing value, lost money on short sale. Any markets out there for less than $5,000 in premium? His first and only claim in 13 years. Thanks, Brad

Re: Non renewed Calif real estate appraiser E&O

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 10:28 am
by ehm

Please check the Real Estate Appraiser page on our web site, We have a special program for stressed accounts. Not able to predict premium without a loss run and claim details, but we have been able to accommodate many with claim issues. Be sure to have the insured complete the two supplemental applications and provide a loss run.

Call if you have questions, 800-640-7601
Elaine Matternas

Re: Non renewed Calif real estate appraiser E&O

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 10:13 am
by RiskMgr.A&M

Anderson & Murison has a selection of A rated E&O programs for real estate appraisers. Our pricing and coverage options will keep you competitive in consideration of prior loss experience and non-renewal. Call Silvia Del Carril at 800-234-6977 ext 241 to discuss details and eligibility before sending your app and loss run.

If you have already made arrangements and don't mind discussing them, I am interested.

George Price, Mgr - Producer Services
Anderson & Murison Inc
800-234-6977 ext 209