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Comm Auto

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2009 11:48 am
by GRCinCA
One of my contractor clients was suprised to find out that he must add each driver to his current comm auto policy. He was miffed because he claimed to have had a policy, before I insured his business, which insured all drivers of his trucks (mostly pick-up trucks and a smaller dump truck). He says that as the work load fluctuates he may add or dismiss employees and he wants a policy which will insure anyone and everyone he hires who drive his vehicles.

I would think this defies logic. Why would an insurance carrier agree to insure an account in this manner? What if the guy hired a worker with several violations and DUIs? I can't get my mind around this - but I did call on a few MGAs and a wholesaler and they said they have heard of older policies which allowed this but they could not tell me where to find one. I want to tell my client he is mistaken - but I thought I would throw it out there for you all first.

Does this exist? If so, who do I call?