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Screen Printer

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 11:36 am
by Chris G
Hello all,
I'm in a bit of a bind. I have recently started an agency in California. My partner and I worked for several years at an independent and grew the commercial book that we are currently "transitioning" to our firm. We've been open for 30 days and have already secured several key direct appointments. We have made a decision not to appoint with a carrier that I currently have it placed with at our old agency and my new appointments are not going to be competitive or it doesn't fit their appetitie . Anyone know an admitted carrier that would write a screen printer (t-shirts)? BOP. Hartford is out. No "bad" inks used. $1MM building, 300K BPP, 1/2 GL, target premium around $5K. Thx.

Re: Screen Printer

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 11:46 am
by yoyowordup
Why is Hartford out? Their sales guide says: 42741 - Printing - Screen Printing
Class Definition: This class applies to risks engaged in printing operations using a screening process with water-based inks only. Those screen printers using oil based inks are not eligible.

You say no "bad" inks. What does that mean. Hartford just says no "oil based" inks. My guess is that most Preferred carriers would have similar underwriting guidelines.

Re: Screen Printer

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2009 9:21 am
by Chris G
Thanks for the courtesy of the reply. Hartford is out because of a $25K employee dishonesty claim 2 years ago (I had them with Hartford). And yes, regarding the ink - we are OK. I now have (had) them with Mercury at my previous agency. Mercury is not handing out appointments right now so I don't have access to the BoR option. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Re: Screen Printer

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 10:14 pm
by kevinraz
1) Re-consider Hartford and ask them to exclude the employee dishonesty. I used to be an underwriter with them and they do have a form for it. You are probably going to have a hard time getting them crime coverage anyway unless they can show that they have controls in place to prevent it from happening again. An enterprising underwriter at Hartford might look at it as a way to recoup some of the loss on the account.

2) Every standard market should be all over it as long as they use water based inks: Travelers, Liberty, Allied, etc. Again, I think you'll run into issues with the crime cover but they should look at the rest of the account.