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Contractors Professional Liability

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2009 8:35 pm
by g0lfmm
I have a design build bridge contractorinsured with the Travelers for the GL. I now have a quote for the professional also with the Travelers E&S. The policy states that it only provides coverage for the insured for claims that are performed by their subcontractors. There is no coverage for claims of the inured. Does anyone know where I may find a policy that provides coverage for the acts of the insured as well as a performed by sub-contarctors on their behave.

Re: Contractors Professional Liability

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2009 11:41 am
by kevinraz
Travelers is doing GL for a bridge designer? On standard paper? What kind of limit?

Boy, the market must be soft.

The E&S option you have for the prof liab sounds strange in that it covers only the work of subs. That makes me suspicious that the GL is also screwy. You might want to take a good hard look at your program and make sure it's what you think it is. You absolutely must have these two dovetail closely or you'll get screwed up when a claim comes in.

Design build bridge contractors to me equals Lloyds, maybe AIG, high retentions, layers, E&S all the way. Maximum severity here & the collapse in Minnesota is still fresh in every underwriters mind.

I've been wrong before but TRV just does not sound like the right market for this stuff.