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Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2004 8:07 am
by lanjor
From time to time, we have WC aviation exposure from Corp. owned or leased aircraft. Most common where a corp. principal or officer may also be pilot, flies him or herself on business and desires inclusion in WC. Most common code appears to be 7421 Aircraft or Helicopter operations. Our standard markets will not touch.

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2004 9:22 am
by Dawgnacious
Not certain that the company I will mention will be willing to help or not but I have a risk with a corp. plane and Hartford wrote the account including the WC. Aviation cover was placed elsewhere but the WC is with Hartford.

You are correct in that this is a "no can do" with many u/w's. Four or five markets bailed on this exposure when we first marketed the account. BTW my particular account is a very desireable, "cream puff" account that all makets fawned over till the airplane exposure presented itself.