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CPCU Question

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 10:08 pm
by kp10tang
Do i need to have 2 yrs work experience in order to take exams?
Can i just finish the exams and meanwhie get 2 yrs experience?

Which materials are the best for preparing?


Re: CPCU Question

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 1:38 pm
by wariline
You dont need the experience to take the exam. However, you'll need the experience to obtain the designation. I just studied the books. I found the study guide is pretty useful. If you can answer all the questions in the guide, you should be able to pass the exam.

Re: CPCU Question

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 11:22 am
by FrankRod
Yes, you don't need to have 2 years in the industry to start taking the exams. If you pass all the exams and don't meet the requirement you they will hold your application and realease the use of the CPCU designation untill you meet them. I started taking my test back in January and I'm halfway done at this time. If you're on a budget I suggest ordering the text books and study guides - which come with the SMART Onlines Practice Exams - they really help. Tip: Don't get down if you can't pass some of the practice exams. I usually took them a week or so before I have to take and almost always failed them...but I would get the results and answers so for the last week I would focus on the chapters I did the worst in. Just don't give up....and on a personal note 540 and 560 are by far the hardest exams I've taken.

Re: CPCU Question

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 3:16 am
by salutq
The exam is not horrendously difficult. It took me around 4 weeks to prepare for it. Thing is you you need to regular. At least i was. I gave about 3 hours a day religiously. Compared to college level exams, the CPCU exam is not that difficult to cope with. Thing is you might study like hell for it and still not pass, or you might put in a mediocre effort and manage to get through. If you have been through other actuarial exams, this will not be an issue.