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restaurant with entertainment CA

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 9:46 am
by JAM
Ive dome many of these before and its never been a problem but the idiots over at the MGA i use tell me that Travelers and Hartford wont write Comp on a Restaurants that has a kids magic show two nights a week. The magician is an independant contractor and has his own insurance. lately any clean file I send them they want to quote with AIG since they need to place more biz there I guess. can anyone confirm that standard markets have an issue with this. their cirrent carrier is FirstComp and they dont have any problem. I personaly think the MGa is blowing smoke up my #$%. I think I have to find a better MGA in CA.

Re: restaurant with entertainment CA

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 10:28 am
by LadyBroker
Sorry you are having such a tough time with your current MGA, but if the risk is in a preferred market now, why would you look to the E&S market for coverage? Our role is not to compete with the preferred markets, but to write the business the preferred markets won't write -- Invasive Medical Products, Residential Contractors, Commercial Earthquake/Wind/Flood coverages, etc.

Just my thought....

Re: restaurant with entertainment CA

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 10:44 am
by Sports_Agent
The Zurich has an appetite for all that AIG Business they bought. You can get appointed instantly by typing in 'ZMatch' in Google. ZMatch is the name of their program. Manuever to their website and apply for the appointment. It is very simple (or at least it was for us in TN, VA, NC, SC and AL.) We chose our own userid and password.

Good Selling

Re: restaurant with entertainment CA

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 10:51 am
by WorkComp&Sense
I use Maxim Insurance Group for restaurant risks. They have several carriers and California and don't seem to have issues entertainment.

Good luck with it.


Re: restaurant with entertainment CA

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 11:20 am
by JAM
Well, it’s official. The people over at this GA (don’t want o name yet!!) are idiots. They just told me they can’t place the BOP either. The funny thing is several other agents have told me that they turn it down just to hear back from the insured that another broker placed the business with the same carrier that supposedly turned down ATM. They are also know for having their in house people call the client the next day and write the business.

Re: restaurant with entertainment CA

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 7:38 am
by chis

I've got a few restaurants with live entertainment (dance floors, live bands, elevated stages, etc) - I use Caesar (work comp u/w) at Agostini Surplus in San Diego. No, I'm not a shill for them - I'm just happy with their service and placement honesty.

Hope this helps you.

Re: restaurant with entertainment CA

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2010 10:38 am
by SFOInsuranceLady
Have you tried Brown & Brown? Sorry for your problem. had something similar happen to me, too. Who is the GA?

Re: restaurant with entertainment CA

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2010 5:23 pm
by chis

Check with "DJ" at Neitclem in Los Angeles - he helped me place a large facility (24K sq ft) occupancy of 1500+ with an 800 sq ft stage and 4 dance floors, 3 bars and full restaurant - Yes, he placed it for me and was great. Hope this helps.

Re: restaurant with entertainment CA

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2010 6:23 pm
by JAM
well this is not a club or bar and there is no dance floor. Its an average family joint that has a dinner and magic show for kids two nights a week. All standard carriers should take this. I think the GA people are the idiots.