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Offroad Racing Insurance

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2010 12:16 pm
by christhompson
I compete in an offroad racing series on the east coast. Our league is wrapping up it's final season with a final race in November. Currently, I don't think any of the drivers or rigs are insured and I am interesting in seeing if anyone on these boards can write policies for this type of thing.

With the recent wreck at an offroad race in CA, it's become a priority of mine to become insured before the next race. If you or someone you know is interested in writing a policy for this, PM me on here. Include your email address and phone number and I will contact you.


Re: Offroad Racing Insurance

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 10:19 am
by FFA
Look for an outfit in Tenn called Appund. They have surplus markets that may be able to write that.

Good luck. I would be interested in whom you find to write that.

Re: Offroad Racing Insurance

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 1:12 pm
Chris, you are going to be disappointed unles there is some daring new Lloyd's guy out there that will insure your car while racing. In many attempts over the years, we have only been able to find coverage for a race car while not actually racing. We can cover it for physical damage while in storage/in your garage or while in transit to and from the track, but not while actually racing. Some insurers cease coverage the moment the engine is running. Some do not have that restriction, so at least you're covered while tuning. But we've found no one to cover while actually racing.

Re: Offroad Racing Insurance

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 1:23 pm
by pita3333
BKCPCU wrote:Chris, you are going to be disappointed unles there is some daring new Lloyd's guy out there that will insure your car while racing. In many attempts over the years, we have only been able to find coverage for a race car while not actually racing. We can cover it for physical damage while in storage/in your garage or while in transit to and from the track, but not while actually racing. Some insurers cease coverage the moment the engine is running. Some do not have that restriction, so at least you're covered while tuning. But we've found no one to cover while actually racing.
Pretty certain that Chris is looking for liability for property damage and bodily injury to spectators.

Does the event organizer get participants to sign waivers for any injuries they might receive?

Re: Offroad Racing Insurance

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 1:28 pm
by christhompson
A little more info. Our organizer carries coverage for racers involved with spectators. But racers are not covered against each other or themselves. Meaning if another racer hits me and hurts me, there is no coverage.

And even though our organizer carries coverage that should protect me against claims from spectators, I'm sure everyone is aware of how lawsuit happy we are as Americans, and I would like extra coverage.

So I am looking for coverage for myself and my vehicle involved with other racers, and possibly a different policy to cover myself and vehicle involved with spectators.

I'm amazed there isn't a market for this. Offroad racing of fullsize vehicles is becoming a very big sport. I hang out on many offroading forums and have seen numerous requests for racing coverage.

Re: Offroad Racing Insurance

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2010 11:09 am
by FFA
Check the surpluss markets.

Re: Offroad Racing Insurance

Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 7:58 am
Try WSIB Insurance. They are a motorsports insurance specialist. e-mail Laura Hauenstein at
or go to their website at

Re: Offroad Racing Insurance

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 7:57 am
by christhompson
INTLXS wrote:Try WSIB Insurance. They are a motorsports insurance specialist. e-mail Laura Hauenstein at
or go to their website at
Thanks INTLXS. Just talked to Laura and it looks like I will be able to afford their policy.