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Need Commercial Truck Broker E&O/Liability

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 9:34 am
by larsimo
I have a prospect that was referred to me and they are a Commercial Truck Broker and need E&O/Liability. The trucks transport fuel/gasoline however they do not own the trucks - they are only the "middle-man".

Anyone out there interested?

Re: Need Commercial Truck Broker E&O/Liability

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 12:58 pm
by Miguelito
If you are requiring the contingent AL and contingent cargo we can help.

The professional liability for a broker (or brokerage) in the event of a third party claim for error/omissions might be a challenge.....if specially excluded under their CGL.

There is also legislation pending to increase the BOND requirements to $100K for Brokers of Property in transportation.

We have broker programs for the trucking operations that own the power units and for those that do not..........