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Specialty Contractor

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2011 10:30 am
by GRCinCA
Specialty contractor in CA does lube and air system installation at gas stations and lube/oil stops. About 50% of revenues is sales, 25% installation of equipment and 25% service of equipment. Would like to place building property and BPP, auto, GL, and excess with 1 carrier if possible. Currently with Nationwide/Allied so we are looking for admitted carrier.

Any ideas?

Re: Specialty Contractor

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2011 1:02 pm
by Cindy Blazer
Is Allied non-renewing for some reason? If so, I am sure we can place in a non-admitted market for you. However, if they are offering renewal my guess would be that it is currently where it needs to be.

I would be happy to discuss this or any other accounts that you might have that you find might be best place in the Suplus Lines Marketplace.

Re: Specialty Contractor

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2011 1:30 pm
by GRCinCA
No they are not being non renewed. It had occurred to me that they are currently where need to be - but I figured a post here couldn't hurt. I had approached Travelers and they initially were interested but then passed because they only work with contractors with 750K payroll. CNA, Hartford, and Liberty also declined. Thanks for the E&S offer!