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Hurricane coverage in florida

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 7:39 pm
by saabins
It is almost impossible to get carriers in Florida to write hurricane coverage. It is making being an insurance agent very difficult. someone needs to step up and take charge of the insurance industry in this state and make some changes and real fast because we are heading for a major disaster. and stop asking people to make a choice of either paying for insurance, whether its auto or home/business and putting food on the table for our family!!!

Re: Hurricane coverage in florida

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 10:51 am
by Neal Ecker
As an E&S broker here in Florida, we write wind coverage all day long. As for pricing, if anything, pricing and terms today continue at the lowest we have seen in years. If interested in discussing, please feel free to contact us.

Neal Ecker
Ecker Insurance & Associates, Inc.
Flagler Beach, FL
(386) 439-3378

Re: Hurricane coverage in florida

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 6:12 pm
by Mannyace
If you looking to place a risk covering the wind and Hail, there are several options to go to depending in how old is the risk you want to insure. For instance a Condominium that is very old cannot be placed anywhere else besides Citizens Property as the private market or E&S would ask for updates and if none, they will insure it but perhaps the Condominium cannot pay the premium.

If it is related to Commercial, the same problem would ocurr although the ICAT will be one of the best choices. Still, you can get Insurance and even though is hard due to the requirements, it can done.

Hope that this feedback helps you and if you have good contacts you would get it. The problem is that everyone is looking for price rather than coverage and that could be a potential for an E&O claim because the insured will be happy paying the low premium but when there is claim, it can turn against the agent for not being properly insured and there is when price is not an issue.


Re: Hurricane coverage in florida

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2011 1:32 pm
by saabins
I am located in South Florida, and I am finding that carriers, even thru E &S markets are not interested in providing wind for buildings that are east of 95. And if they are willing, the pricing is exorbitant. Our best bet is citizens, and 1 of their requirements is a complete appraisal done within the past 12 months among other docs, so the client has to go out and spend in some cases at least $400-500 dollars to get a complete appraisal. When you are an agent bidding on an account, your prospective client is interested in saving $$$$ not spend
Anyway, I am not familiar with ICAT requirements. If anyone would like to post it here, that would be great.

Re: Hurricane coverage in florida

Posted: Tue May 03, 2011 11:10 am
by themaplewoodgroup
our firm specializes in commercial cat driven property. we do not write homeowners but are finding the commercial cat wind market hardening ,fast!rates are up 10% or more on florida commercial wind.